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My throat tightens and a hot lash of anger rushes through me. How can she talk about someone she was friends with like that? Mom and Dad believe every rumor about him.

“Fox? That’s what you’re pissed about? Not that I was fighting or that my GPA will drop because of my missed assignments and allow someone else to take the top spot you need me to have?”

Her mouth pinches. “Those things are important, but nothing is more serious than my warning to stay away from him. I thought I made that clear. Everything we’ve worked for to provide paths to success for you and your brother are wasted if you let that boy infect your life.”

“That boy, Mom? Do you even hear yourself? He was my best friend. Holden’s too. Your friends’ son.” I grip the strap of my tote bag. “Holden was allowed to hang out with him without you and Dad intervening, so why do I have to avoid him? It’s impossible when we have classes together, and he—”

I cut off. I can’t tell her about what’s been going on because I don’t want more rules from her.

My parents don’t like Fox. If they find out there’s more going on than me slacking on homework, they’ll do something to get the school to expel him. I want to be able to handle this on my terms.

“Yes, and look where that got your brother,” she says shrewdly. “Drafted to play for one of the top schools in the country, but he flushed it down the toilet by associating with trash.”

A disbelieving scoff rips from my throat. “Jesus, Mom. Tell me how you really feel. You can’t seriously believe that a college like Ohio State really looks that deeply into their incoming students, especially the athletes they accept.”

One manicured brow lifts skeptically. “You’re naïve if you think otherwise. This is what I’ve tried to teach you. The world is always watching. What you do matters—every move you make. Do not make the same mistake as your brother.”

God, Holden and I really have become pawns to her if that’s all she cares about. I open my mouth to protest, but she’s not finished.

“You need to do damage control to get your life back on track. You’re so close to graduating, Maisy. I won’t let you throw it away because of your impulsive tendencies.” Her nails tap on the banister as the gears of her mind turn. “What we should do is call that sweet boy, Samuel Blake. Invite him over for dinner. Why hasn’t he been around lately to take you out? Your father and I like him.”

“You’ve got to be kiddi

ng me,” I mutter low enough she doesn’t hear. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? He’s perfect for you. He’s a handsome and intelligent young man from a wonderful and well respected family.”

“Mom, I broke up with him. It wasn’t going to work. He’s not someone I see myself with.”

I’d tell her he doesn’t make my heart flutter, but I don’t think she’d give a damn about things like feelings.

“You did what? When was this?”

“Last week.”

She gives me a look full of displeasure that calls on my urge to leave. Not just to run upstairs, but to get out of town.


How she can make my name sound so cutting, I’ll never know. I smother the urge to snark back and say Mom.

“You are such a disappointment. Go to your room.”

Forcing out a breath, I turn to face her fully. “So which is it, Mom? Am I grounded or not?”

“Go,” she snaps. “We’ll finish discussing this later.”

My feet slam on the steps, echoing in the foyer. The weight on my chest gets heavier and heavier.

“Maise,” Holden calls from his open door.

I stop. He’s sitting on the floor, leaning against his bed. Five o’clock shadow covers his jaw and his brown hair is a mess, but he doesn’t look as down as he’s been since my senior year started and his future halted in its tracks. Must be one of his rare good days.

He motions with his head for me to come in and I do, shoulders sagging as I dump off my stuff from the yoga studio inside the door. I collapse on the floor beside him, dragging my knees up.

“Did you hear?” I almost don’t want to know.

“A little. Not all of it.” He motions to his headphones sitting on the floor. “Just the last part.”

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance