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I’d much rather chill with Lucas’ sweet pug dog that trots from person to person to see who will pet him. I click my tongue to call the dog over for the third time since we arrived. He?

?s a chill, pudgy little dog that helps keep my freak-out at bay when I stroke his fur.

Further down the dock, Carter has been messing around with the girl he’s trying to get with, teasing her about throwing her overboard. Something about the way his hands keep sliding down her sides makes me think of Matt and my breath grows short as my throat dries out.

Elena Morales from math plops next to me, her sleek black curls bouncing.

“Come on, Gemma. I love this song!” She grabs my hands and for a second I have to work hard to quell the instant urge to snatch them back. Missing my startled expression, she pulls my arms like a marionette while she rolls her body in time with the music. She laughs and falls against my shoulder. “Girl, loosen up. It’s a party! Let’s get lit.”

She can hardly get the words out before she holds up a blunt, cracking herself up.

I offer a feeble smile and scoot closer to my brother. Alec flashes me a look with his eyebrows jumping up, subtly motioning to the cute girl perched in his lap. Sighing, I hold up my hands and shift away.

Fine, I get it. Twin sister hanging around like a shy toddler clinging to the only familiar person. Total cockblock.

My bad.

Carter appears in front of me and offers a hand up. “Come dance with me.”

“I’m good.”

“C’mon, we’ll have a good time. We’re going to get a contest going. Let’s show everyone else up. I know you’ve got moves. You’ve got that vibe.”

Carter runs a hand up my arm. My whole body screams no. I shrug him off with a violent movement and turn back to Elena.

She’s the only nice one of the whole bunch. There’s been no real shift from the vicious insults, accusations, and assumptions slung at me by the same people trying to act like we’ve been friends all this time.

Lucas comes back outside hauling a cooler.

“Sweet salvation, Saint,” Carter says.

Lucas’ biceps flex. He beams at his friends as they cheer.

Unbelievably, I’m relieved to see him because Carter steps away.

“Brought rations.” Lucas drops the cooler beside the bench where Elena and I sit. He runs a hand through his hair as he stands. “Come and get it.”

I grab my bag and shift away from the cooler before the vultures swoop in. The sky is really pretty right now, so I stroll to the end of the dock and sit down. Pulling my phone out, I take a few shots of the beautiful scenery.

I pick one out, edit it, and post it to Instagram with the caption peaceful views tonight along with a handful of hashtags. A few likes pop up.

This is nicer. I don’t mind the raucous laughs and chatter over the music wafting in the air from a safe distance behind me as I sit alone.

It only lasts a short time before Lucas drops beside me.

“The party’s back there.”

“Not really my scene.” I wet my lips and rub my palms against my knees. “Parties and I don’t exactly have a great track record. I’ll probably catch a ride home with Alec when he’s ready to leave.”

Lucas frowns and peers out at the lake. It reflects the purple and pink tones of the sky and the black silhouette of the trees and peaks.

“Don’t leave yet.” Lucas props his arm on his bent knee and rubs his chin. He gives me a sidelong glance. “Come out on the boat.”

“The boat?”

“Yeah. Just you, me, and Lancelot.”

At my confused look he lets out a short laugh and whistles. The pug dog’s nails clack against the dock as he bounds over with an adorable bark that sounds more like bork.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance