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The marching band gets the crowd pumped from their section in the stands at the Homecoming game. I get swept into the excitement, jumping up and down when the team spills onto the field.

“Who knew you were such a maniac fan,” Devlin teases, elbowing me.

He and Connor found me in the stands and joined me.

I shoot him a sly look. “I used to be on pep squad.”

His brows hike up. “I would have never guessed that.”

“What’s wrong with my level of pep?”

Devlin snorts at my sarcasm.

Officially, I’m here to take photos of the game for Ms. Huang and the school newspaper. My camera hangs around my neck as I clap for the band.

When Alec and Lucas’ names are introduced by the announcer, along with their positions, I cheer.

There’s a thrill of being surrounded by hundreds of other people yelling, music thrumming, and love filling your heart as you support your team.

All of my support today is for Alec and Lucas.

His eyes zero in on me as the team comes to the bench. Alec slaps him on the shoulder.

The look on Lucas’ face is worth everything. It splits into a huge, prideful grin. He shoots a fist overhead, pointing right at me. I wave back.

I’m wearing his number. Devlin got me his alternate jersey. Saint is broadcast from my back in block letters so everyone knows.

I lift my camera to capture his face in time, snapping the shutter.

There’s a notable player missing as the game gets underway. A different guy plays the position previously held by Carter Burns. He’s off the team.

Lucas got his dad to help me pro bono when I changed my mind, determined to make sure Carter could never attack anyone again. I pressed charges with Mr. Saint’s guidance. Carter got five years in jail. Everyone will know he’s a predator.

This time I battled my fear and told Mom and Dad everything, even the truth about Matt. Mom cried and hugged me close as Dad touched my shoulder. It felt good to be honest with them.

Lucas’ parents and mine sit higher in the stands, with the other team parents.

The game is close. I end up swatting Devlin half the time as our guys drive the ball to the end zone down to the wire. There’s only a few minutes left, the timer running out fast. The other team is ah

ead. The Coyotes need this play to take the game.

My trigger finger is on fire as I capture shot after shot. As usual, Lucas hogs the spotlight in my photos. I can’t help it—his grace when he throws the ball is unparalleled.

It’ll be fun to make him throw the ball in a field for a photo project I have in mind for my portfolio. We’re going hiking this weekend and he said he knows the perfect spot.

Lucas sends the ball spiraling through the air and it sails straight to Alec, who cuts across to an open position with wings on his feet.

We shout ourselves hoarse as Alec sprints to make the touchdown. The buzzer announces the end of the fourth quarter seconds after Alec passes into the end zone. He slams the ball into the turf and his teammates tackle him. The stands go wild.

A voice on the loudspeaker calls it. “Coyotes win over the Bulldogs 28 to 26!”

The marching band explodes into a celebratory song as the players on the field celebrate their win.

I cup my hands as I see number 14 and number 19 head for the bench, trailed by the rest of the team. “Go Lucas! Go Alec!”

Lucas hauls himself over the fence, heading for the bleachers. He sprints up to me, a grinning, sweaty mess.


Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance