Page 2 of Wild Bear Mates

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I rolled my eyes. She was such a fucking drama queen. “Running away from what, exactly?”

“From us. Our lives together. Every time we get closer you run off into some man’s arms and find yourself for a while.”

“That’s unfair and untrue.” It wasn’t as if we were exclusive. I’d left with several caravans since I’d known Maya, but those were adventures. It had nothing to do with running away.

“You know what, I’m sick of this. I’m done. You can go fuck as many shapeshifters as you want. Have their babies. Have a fucking dozen, see if I care. When you finish or if you don’t, you’re on your own. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

She’d given me ultimatums before. Her boycotts of me usually lasted a week or two. But the last thing I wanted was for us to say goodbye like this. “Boycott me if you want, but I’m going to need a proper goodbye.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. It took all I had not to laugh. All her toddler tantrums made me want to do is to put her over my knee and smack her perky cheeks. I grabbed around her waist and pulled her into me. Brushing the hair off her face, I planted a tender kiss on her full lips. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

She leaned into me and sighed. I knew she was trying to seem nonchalant, but her fingertips dug into my back. “Be safe.”

“They aren’t going to hurt me. I’m like a celebrity baby maker.” I giggled.

Her face darkened. “That’s not what I’m talking about. There is more than just one type of hurt.”

“You afraid some shapeshifter’s gonna break my heart?” I stuck out my tongue and licked her ear. She screamed and squirmed away. With a playful shove, she sent me back a few feet.

“Why do you have to be such a jerk?” Her face was stormy and flushed. If it were any other day, I would take her somewhere and make her cum until she forgot about it.

“This jerk’s gotta hit the road.”

Tears burst from her eyes. She threw her arms around me. “I’m really sorry. I’m just worried. Don’t be stupid, okay?”

I squeezed her tightly and whispered in her ear. “It’s just an adventure. I’ll be back before you know it.” Her kiss was deep and passionate. I grabbed her hands from around my neck and put them down at her sides. “See you soon.” I turned and walked towards the gathering crowd of women near the river bank. When I reached them, I turned back to wave, but she’d already gone. Looking around at the eager faces, I started to feel nervous. Every size, color, shape and feature were represented. What if I don’t get chosen? How could I stomach walking back to our small cottage knowing that I was rejected? Relax, the Goddess had to be behind this. She was with me. Instead of worrying I needed to focus on doing the best I could. Leave it to the Goddess to sort it out. There were stunning examples of the female form in this crowd. It looked like a model casting call. God was I the only one with cellulite in this crowd? Let’s just hope there wasn’t a bikini competition. A short blonde with a pixie cut giggled loudly to my right with a busty redhead. A tall woman to my left ran her fingers through her purple hair and played with her lip ring, her bronze skin glistened in the afternoon light. I squeezed her arm and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “What are we all waiting for?”

She smiled and narrowed her eyes. Flirtatious little minx. “Same thing as everyone else doll. For some big strong shapeshifter to fuck some life into us.” Her lip ring swirled around in her fingertips as she gave me a small smile. I bet she’s testing me.

“I’m just here for the chicks.” Just because I was fulfilling a mission from the Goddess didn’t mean that I couldn’t have some fun.

She snorted and covered her mouth with her right hand. She extended her other hand towards me. Her words were muffled.

“What?” She seemed embarrassed by the snort. It was fucking adorable. Her tank top exposed broad muscular shoulders and slender but well-defined arms. Just a peek of midriff was visible above her dark wash jeans. Although she was tall and muscular, her body still held curves in the right places. “I’m Vivica.”

I shook her hand. She must be human. Witches never greeted each other that way. “Nice to meet you. I’m Cat.”

She smiled widely. Her teeth had a slight gap in the front and her straight nose had a sprinkling of freckles. What a fucking treat. “What’s Cat short for?”


“That’s unique. You foreign or something?”

“Something like that.”

A shriek cracked through the cacophony of the crowd. Our heads snapped towards the river’s edge. A large man stood in a dark knee length coat despite the sunshine. “I’m Syncan. I’ll be your point of contact for the next week. You can call me Sync. You ladies have been called from all over our lovely corner of the earth to help us shapeshifters with a particular problem. As you know, we’ve had a bit of a wee conflict with the Northern Territories. The ice caps are melting, so the vampires are beginning to encroach on our upper border. We’ve sent our fiercest warriors to guard us, but that leaves us a bit short handed. We’ve got a whole new class of shapeshifters and the situation in camp is quite dire. For the first time in a thousand years, we need to reach out to other tribes for help. These are certainly uncharted waters. Do any of you have any questions before we head to the basecamp?”

A woman that looked to be about twelve shouted, “Are we all going to get to join the shapeshifters?”

Sync frowned. “I’m afraid not. We’re going to head to basecamp. Each shapeshifter will shortlist three of you. This of course will be based on your appearance and their personal tastes. After some rigorous….um…tryouts…you will be either chosen to mate or return home.”

Tryouts? He couldn’t possibly mean…well I guess if we’re supposed to be their mate…. Vivica leaned in, her lips brushed my ear. A tingle ran up and down my spine.

“Seems like we’re going to have fun from the start.”

I grinned. “If I had known that we were going to be giving up the goods so soon, I would have invited my girlfriend to join us.” Hopefully she’d get the hint. Women were always so clueless when they were being hit on. Even beautiful ones.

“Girlfriend, huh? That’s too bad.”

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic