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Just as I was trying to bite back the longing to be close to my mom, hoping, even sending prayers, that she would still be there when I returned home.



As the saying goes, if you think the worst, then something even worse will happen.

Okay, maybe that’s not a saying, but it should be.

To say the rehearsal dinner was enlightening would be an understatement. It basically made me question everything about my family and life in general.

The dinner itself was…dull, monotonous, and completely matched the color scheme the bride-to-be had picked out: pale mustard.

I considered getting a little drunk to get through the night of Lavina’s cousins attempting to flirt with me. I wasn’t in the mood. And besides, if they shared any blood with the bride-to-be, I didn’t want to get involved and see myself end up like Elonzo.

Once the dinner part was over, Father picked up a cigar from the case mother had bought him as an anniversary present and gestured to us sons to follow him outside. Elonzo and I followed. When Father wanted to talk, we knew it was serious.

He led us out to the beach bar whilst the rest of the party swooned over something or other that Lavina had brought out to show off in getting ready for the following day’s celebrations. With all the lights switched off and the music now replaced by silence, it was hard to imagine just how lively this little kiosk of a bar had been earlier on, people crowded around, drinking summer cocktails and sodas and moving to the samba and Latin pop blaring from the speakers above the bartender’s window. Now, there were only shadows, the only sounds the random squeals from the guests behind us and the beating of the waves against the shore. I felt restless in the calm of it. It was my usual state. The need to get things done and not laze away time that could be converted to dollars or investments.

Father took a seat on a bar stool, taking a deep drag of his cigar. Elonzo followed suit, taking the seat beside him. Sometimes, it irked me just how similar they were. Or maybe it was how much Elonzo mimicked Father. His shadow. I was the prodigal son. Not on purpose. Or maybe a little bit.

I leaned against the bark of a palm tree opposite the bar, crossing my arms. I was starting to get a bad feeling about this conversation.

“You did well, my son,” Father began, turning to Elonzo. “Like I told you both very early on, finding your true love is every man’s life goal. I hope this is how you feel, Elonzo?”

At this, he leaned closer to my brother, his eyes searching his elder son for the answer to his question. Elonzo nodded, as he would. The fool believed in all this love rubbish. And believed it enough to think he was in love with Lavina! Somebody better light a candle for him.

“I agree with you wholeheartedly, Father,” Elonzo said. He took a sip of his drink.

“Good, my boy. Good. Because I believe that a man who can open himself to love is a man who has the fortitude to lead…”

What? Lead? Maybe be led around with a collar and leash but not lead.I rolled my eyes.

“Sebastian, I see you don’t agree with me?” Father turned to me.

How does he do that? The minute I make a move in the opposite direction, he always seems to be there when I’m taking that first step. Of course he noticed the eye roll.

“I…no,” I said. “I agree that love is important, but when it comes to politics, or business…”

“If anything, it is even more important in those areas, my son. This is why I am appointing Elonzo as the director of the Rojas Group. He will have full ownership and decision-making power over its ventures.”

That caught me off guard. I was so shocked that my mouth fell almost to the floor and for a few minutes, I couldn’t speak. I was sure that Father would retract his words or say it was all a joke. He couldn’t possibly…

“Father, that is such an honor. This is such a surprise…”

I couldn’t listen to Elonzo rambling on. I was livid.Full ownership of the company, and for what? For pledging himself to that money-hungry nightmare of a woman? It’s not love, it’s a delusion!

“Sebastian, what do you think of this?” Father turned to me. Even in the darkness, his black eyes were piercing. I may have been raging, but I was also the little boy who was about to be reproached by his father.


For once, I was lost for words. I had spent the last six years of my life working day and night, building up the company. No personal life, just work, work, work. I was the one constantly running around finding investors, negotiating deals, fixing contracts, and managing imports and exports of our products…I basically ran the place. Elonzo had no clue about any of the nitty gritty. And yet he was the one who would get the keys?


“Darling!” I was interrupted by the cause of it all, Lavina and her screechy voice suddenly appearing out of the darkness. Her bleached-blond hair bobbed up and down as she sauntered over to Elonzo and took his hand.

“It’s time for my speech, babe. My followers are waiting for me to go live.” She pulled my brother up off his chair.

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance