Suddenly Aaron’s voice comes through the earpiece, and it all starts to make sense. I put my gun away quickly and go to pick Peter’s ass up off the floor. However, he’s gone.
I clench my teeth and look around for him. “That motherfucker isn’t getting away. Do we have eyes on him?”
“He’s running for it. He’s headed toward the parking lot on the north side. One level above you.”
“Thanks, Denise.”
I take off and my brothers are right behind me. I’m not letting this son of a bitch get away.
“I have the girls,” Elijah says.
I breathe a little easier knowing Lizzy and Bella have made it out safely. The composed Dante slips away. I might not even heat up the chain breakers before I rip his spine out. It will make it more brutal.
We come out running into the lot. Tires squeal away from us. I turn to see an old Corolla speeding away and make chase. The adrenaline pumping through me pushes me forward.
I fire a shot, but it only takes out the back windshield. I turn the corner to the next level and freeze. My heart is in my throat as the scene before me plays out in slow motion.
Bella and Elijah are in the pickup. Lizzy seems to be fastening Bella in. When Lizzy closes the door, the Corolla heads straight for her.
My crazy fiancée doesn’t jump out of the way. She starts to skate full speed, facing the car head-on. I watch as my woman skates up the front of the car, over the top, flips in the air, and lands in a crouch with her guns drawn.
Then time speeds up as she stands and fires through the windshield I blew out moments ago. I run up behind her and wrap my body around her. I think I just start to breathe again as I get her in my embrace.
“I thought I told you no badass shit. You could have jumped out of the way,” I say against her lips as I cup her face.
“Not my style.” She shrugs.
I laugh and take her lips. “You’re always full of surprises. Best secret my brother has ever kept from me. Actually, the best hire he has ever made.”
I kiss her passionately and smile to myself. I can live with who I have to be as long as I get to spend my life with this woman. I don’t remember at what point she became my work wife, but I know I’m ready for her to be my wife for life.
Superhero Skaters
Six months later…
Phil Collins’s “Take Me Home” plays as Liz and Bella glide around the rink in Wonder Woman costumes with crowns on their heads. I can’t stop smiling. I’ve never seen Bella so happy in her life.
My baby is seven going on thirty. This party turned out to be everything she wanted and more. As you look around, you can see the love that was poured into every detail. Liz’s skate team moves around helping the kids who can’t skate as Bella shows off her skills like a little pro.
I’m proud of her. Liz did a good job teaching her. She’s on her own blades now. My chest swells as I watch the two most important females in my life laugh together. I can’t wait for the wedding. Three more months and I’ll have the wife I was always meant to have.
I stand with my butt resting against the wall and my arms folded over my chest as Gio rolls over to me with a smile on his face. I can’t help returning the smile. I was willing to lace up a pair of skates because my little girl asked me to. Seeing Gio in skates reminds me of how much love Bella has in her life.
It’s been hard having her ask about her grandparents. While I could give two shits about her grandfather, I still don’t know what happened to his wife. I believe whatever he and Bethany were up to cost that woman her life. Mitch and Jace have been trying to find me answers, but nothing has come up yet.
After the Peter incident, Liz decided to take a leave from her channel and the office. Bella is now spoiled rotten with attention. Liz takes her to her new school and picks her up each day.
While I miss Liz’s face in the office, I love coming home to my girls after a long day to find them reading together. Lizzy now has all the time she wants to read. For the most part, life has been quiet, and I have more balance for myself.
“This is the way it should be. You’re happy now,” Gio says.
I look into my brother’s eyes. He’s smiling, but I can see he’s not as happy as he would have us all believe. His life is so complicated. I don’t even know where to begin to help him.