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"Yeah, it's like listening to K-Earth all day."

"So do you playHappy Together?"

"I should," she says. "It would be better than the Rolling Stones and The Eagles. I got the point of those songs ten years ago."

"Really? When you were, what, nine?"

"Ten," she says. "Maybe you can teach him some taste. He has expanded a bit in the last year. But we do keep it pretty bland here. Nothing that will scare a client."

"Do you have something in mind?"

"Maybe." She looks to Patrick as he stands. "At the very least, you could get him to request Celebrity Skin. Or some songs from the nineties and eighties that are actually good."

"You talking about me?" Patrick moves closer.

"The world doesn't revolve around you," Luna says.

"Maybe we should ask a physicist to double-check that."

She blows him a kiss. "I probably shouldn't flirt in front of you, huh? Bad habit. It drives my boyfriend crazy. He gets all protective and…"

"Would that work with Patrick?" I ask.

"Is that what you like?" She bites her lip. "Sorry. I forget normal manners with these guys. They're like teenage girls. No, they're way worse than teenage girls."

"It's okay." It might be something in the water. Or the air. I already feel freer, less in my head. Or maybe that's Patrick's presence. "I'm not too into green guys."

"I wouldn't think. Not his MO. Not like this anyway. I don't know the rest. I, uh, I'll stop before I'm in too deep."

"I think you're past that point," I say.

She laughs. "Well, if I'm gonna get wet, I might as well—"

"Get laid?" Patrick meets us at the counter.

"You could hear that, huh?" she asks.

"You asking about my sex life, yeah. I heard that," he says.

"No. I'm asking Imogen. She's interesting. You're…"

"We are exclusive," he says.

"But I'm sure she's been with people before you. Unless—" she turns to me—"It's totally cool if you haven't. I don't anti-slut shame."

"I have," I say.

"See." Luna turns back to me. "Who was the best? You know, leaving Patrick out."

"That doesn't seem fair," Patrick says.

"I specifically don't want to hear about you," Luna says.

"I don't have any great stories. Sorry," I say.

"Really? Nothing juicy. Even a little? My boyfriend is still out of town," she says.

"You are extra thirsty," Patrick says.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance