Page 196 of The Hookup Experiment

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"Good," I say.

She shoots me another knowing look.

I return one that saysdrop it.

"You know, it's offensive you suggest we only know things because of the women in our lives," Dare says. "How would you like if we did the same?"

"Are you reading books on human sexuality of your own accord?" she asks.

"Do I suggest you only know about cars 'cause of Oliver?" he asks.

"I don't know anything about cars and neither does Oliver," she says.

"Drinking until you pass out then?" he asks.

She glares.

"Seriously, Dare?" I ask.

He shrugswhatever. "I'm just saying. I don't suggest you fucked your way into this job or your knowledge of spreadsheets."

"Did I say anything about sex?" she asks.

"The point stands," he says.

Luna looks to me for support.

"You would be pissed," I say. "You are pissed over less."

"Okay, fine," she concedes. "I apologize for insulting your intellectual curiosity."

"Are you buying that?" he asks.

I motionso-so. "You did learn that from Valeria."

"Of course," he says. "But I made an effort. I read a book."

"A book with words?" she asks.

"I know I'm a beautiful hunk of meat to you," he teases her. "I don't blame you for missing my intellect. It's hard to believe someone so beautiful could be so smart too. But you should get it, 'cause it's the same for you."

The flattery wins her over. "That's true."

"I think she feels bad," I say.

He copies myso-somotion. "I'll forgive you if you help with the barbecue."

"Are you sure she wants to hang with all of us?" Luna asks. "And not with you, alone?"

"I'm sure," he says.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah, she wants to sit by the pool, eat dinner at six, and hang out with people who won't talk about the differences between Barcelona and San Diego," he says. "Her words."

"Hang by the pool in a bikini?" she asks.

He shoots her adon'tlook.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance