Page 174 of The Hookup Experiment

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"She's not embarrassed by her obviousness," Julie says. "She's embarrassed because Mom makes her chais with extra star anise too."

"Don't they own a coffee shop?" I ask.

"And bakery, yes. So when Mom wants something special, she wants tea, not coffee." Julie scans the counter until she finds the tin of chai. "At least you don't go out of your way to add Saigon Cinnamon."

"You're a flavor philistine," Imogen says.

"It's okay. I am too. I drink Bud Light." I shoot Imogen a wink.

She laughs. "You're improving."

"Oh, let me guess. The fancy tonic water." When Imogen pouts, Julie laughs. "Just like Mom."

"No. She uses Q," Imogen says.

"Oh, so you use Fever Tree. Please. She loves Fever Tree too. She's probably infusing a bottle of gin with star anise right now." Julie shakes her head. "Like mother, like daughter, you know?"

"Lots of people love the flavors their parents use in their cooking," Imogen says.

"Yeah, but you know that's not what I meant." Julie pulls out a chair and sits at the main table. "You're both tough as nails and good at keeping secrets."

"Isn't that a paradox?" I ask.

"Hmm. Maybe. If they're that good, I wouldn't know," Julie says. "Or maybe I'm really good at uncovering secrets."

"Okay, Sherlock," Imogen says.

Julie flips her off.

Imogen returns it.

Their expressions are playful, but there's something under them too.

Of course there is.

Imogen hasn't told her sister about her attempt. There's no way Julie didn't notice a change in her behavior, in her relationship with her mom.

Even I noticed how weird shit was with Deidre.

"Do you need help?" Julie asks.

"Keep Patrick company," Imogen asks.

"Permission to torture him? Score." Julie stands and offers a hand.

I shake. "Nice to make a formal introduction."

"One more word about the chai and you don't get one," Imogen says.

Julie mimes zipping her lips and turns to me. She studies me, carefully, assessing me as worthy or not-worthy of her sister.

"You're cuter than your pictures," she says.

"Oh my god, Jules, I will restrain you if you don't behave," Imogen says.

"Is that what she says to you too?" Julie winks.

Imogen turns to hide her blush. "I will deprive you of that chai."

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance