Page 154 of The Hookup Experiment

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Imogen: What were you saying? About sex?

Julie: Confession for confession. I need more.

Imogen: The sex we had after was amazing. Intimate in this whole other way. It wasn't freaky or kinky or weird, but it was just as sexy.

Julie: Love is sexy?

Imogen: I don't know. Maybe.

Julie: Wow. You're so vanilla. Turned on by emotional intimacy.

Imogen: You sound like Jade.

Julie: Oh. Freak alert!

Imogen: Is everything okay there? You can talk to me.

Julie: I am. You'll tell me what happens with Patrick?

Imogen: Not every detail.

Julie: Can I meet him?

Imogen: I'm not going to introduce him to Mom and Dad.

Julie: Duh! They won't like you dating a tattoo artist. Did he go to college?

Imogen: No.

Julie: Oh yeah. They aren't going to like that one bit. That's hot.

Imogen: Ahem.

Julie: Please. Like you don't like him more because they'd hate it.

Imogen: No comment.

Julie: Called it. Can I come there? To his tattoo shop? I have time.

Imogen: You're not getting a tattoo.

Julie: Then your apartment? Or we can do lunch. Here. There. Whatever. It's only an hour drive on the weekends. Maybe we can get coffee on Sunday, before family dinner time.

Imogen: He'll want to come.

Julie: Why not invite him to Mom and Dad's 4th of July party?

Imogen: Are you kidding? You want me to introduce them to my tattoo artist white boyfriend at a party?

Julie: Be American. Celebrate your right to screw anyone you want.

Imogen: Absolutely not.

Julie: But next Sunday? The two of us?

Imogen: I'll think about it.

Julie: That means no.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance