Page 108 of The Hookup Experiment

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The low hum of the electric engine. The mumble of music. A new pop artist Luna recommended.

She's not bad, actually.

Not Fiona Apple, but not bad.

And we're moving.


I let the music and the surroundings wash over me. For a few songs, we sit in comfortable non-conversation.

Bit by bit, blood returns to my brain.

I still want to drag Patrick to my bed and fuck him bareback. But I can wait. In theory.

We breeze down the ten.

Patrick raises a brow as we near my exit.

I shake my head. "If you can make it, I can."

"Baby, you have no idea how long I can wait."

"I have some idea."

He laughs. "Maybe. I can go easy on you. Talk about something else."

"Us? Talking about something besides sex? I'm not sure about that."

"It's a wild theory, yeah."

"I like the music," I say. "It was a good suggestion."

"Thank Luna."

"I will. But I wanted to thank you too." It's sweet, him trying to find music I'll like, listening to music I like. I'm not sure a guy has ever done that for me before. "I appreciate it."

"My pleasure."

"Do you like it too?"

"At first, I thought it was a little slow," he says. "But once I surrendered to that, I loved it."

"It is mellow."

"But in a thoughtful way. I feel like I'm staying up late, talking to a friend. Or even reading the singer's journal."


"She's honest in a brave way, but she doesn't underline it."

"That's specific."

"I know."

"But kinda dead-on. Did you come up with that?"

"Am I not clever enough?"

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Romance