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“He is,” Darith said. “He’s one of the most respected members of the court.”

I picked up a piece of chicken. It was tender and juicy, with just the right amount of seasoning. I closed my eyes and savored the flavor. “This is great.”

It was a welcome relief after the unfamiliar food at the banquet.

It wasn’t long before I finished eating with plenty to spare on my plate. I leaned back in my chair, feeling much better. My stomach no longer growled.

“I see you’re feeling better.”

“I was famished,” I admitted. “But that was great. Thank you.”

She took a seat in front of me. “Were you that nervous about the meeting?”

Did she think I didn’t eat because of nerves? I guessed it made sense, given how the meeting went.

“I was.” I crossed my arms. “But it’s over now and I’m just happy that it’s done.”

“You did very well,” she said, kindly. “I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I felt touched by her words. “But I couldn’t have done it without your help.”

“I was happy to help. But you did most of the work. You’re the one who should be proud.”

I smiled. “I am.”

And I meant it. Despite my nerves, I held my own. It hadn’t been easy, but I did it.

We heard another knocking at the door and Darith rose to answer it. I heard faint voices, and then she came back into the room.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“There’s someone else here to see you.”

I stood up. “Who is it?”

“The representative of Midar.”

“Let her in.”

Darith’s face twitched, but she obediently left the room.

“Am I breaking protocol by seeing her unannounced?”

Darith turned around. “No, it’s unusual. You are the future crown princess. Your words carry a lot of weight.”

Rubbing my temples, I tried to ease the sudden headache. “I’m not an Elf, and I’m not familiar with all Elvish customs. I don’t want to make any mistakes,” I explained. “I want to count on my people when I do something out of the ordinary. Because of my recent arrival, it will take longer for me to figure out how things work. There will be many blunders. Unless someone informs me about them, I’ll never learn and will continue to make the same mistakes.”

Darith contemplated my words. “You’re right,” she said, finally. “I will help you as much as possible. Outsiders are typically not allowed in our private rooms. It’s considered an invasion of privacy and a great offense.”

Considering their heightened senses, it made sense. Privacy was important to them.

“It’s vulgar to enter someone’s room without being invited,” she continued. “Even if the person is expecting you. Only close family and friends are exempt from this rule.”

I tilted my head. “Personal space is important.”

“It is,” she confirmed. “And it’s considered vulgar to touch someone without their permission. Even if you’re just trying to be friendly. Unless you are close.”

“This person is the emissary of Midar and she will be the only person I have in this city to help with my transition. Would that be seen as an exception?”

Tags: Silya Barakat Paranormal