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“Nope.” I pop the p and watch as the girl leans in to whisper something in Dylan’s ear, her hand on his arm, her lips practically touching him. Joel says something else, but I don’t hear what it is. “Huh?” I ask, shifting my eyes away.

“That’s what I thought,” he says and sniggers, leaving me thoroughly confused. My brows furrow as I try to guess what he said. I quickly smile again when I notice Hottie making his way over, until I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn just in time to see Dylan head out the back door, the brunette following close behind him.Shit.

“I need air,” I yell to Joel and Hottie when he settles beside me.

“I’ll bet you do,” Joel says as I walk away from them both, moving as quickly as I can without drawing attention.

Slamming the door open, I pause to get my bearings.What the hell am I doing? Go back inside.

I turn to do just that when Dylan speaks. “Summer? Are you okay?”

Shit!I squint in the darkness and follow the sound of his voice. He’s standing beside a car I don’t recognize. The girl he left with is leaning against the door with her finger in her mouth, obviously trying to draw attention to her lips. I stare without saying a word.Am I okay?

Dylan takes a step toward me, concern on his face. “Summer?”

“I’m fine,” I say, snapping out of it. “Don’t mind me.” I reach for the door.I need to get out of here. This is insane. I’m being insane. I just told him to see other people, and now, I’m acting like a jealous girlfriend. Cut the crap, Summer. Go inside.

“Wait!” Dylan calls, and I stop with the door half-open.

“She said she’s fine,” the girl argues, prompting me to turn around. “Come on, like I said, you should come home with me,” she continues, running her finger down his chest.That little…

Something inside me snaps, and before I can control it, I slam the door shut and move toward Dylan. His eyes widen in surprise, but there’s a hint of something else—heat. It fuels me to move faster, and before I know it, I’m grabbing his face in my hands and slamming my lips to his.

“What the hell?” I hear beside me, but I ignore her. Dylan, however, has better manners. He pulls away, causing my chest to tighten.What was I thinking?

“Sorry, but—”

“Asshole,” she yells and then jumps in her car. My gaze snaps back to Dylan’s as her door bangs shut and she drives away.

“But?” I ask.

He links his fingers through mine and walks us back toward the building.Ugh, is he taking us inside?Guess that was an epic fail.But before we reach the door, Dylan spins me around, pressing my back into the brick. “But this,” he says before his mouth crashes to mine in a powerful and all-consuming kiss.

I melt into him, as he grips my hip with one hand while the other slides along my neck to the back of my hair. I lift my leg to wrap around him, and he groans at our connection. And right there, in the parking lot of a bar, we make out like horny teenagers.

I’m not sure how much time has passed, but it’s definitely been a little while. When the backdoor slams open again, we jump apart like we’ve been busted doing something wrong.

“Oh, good, you’re already out here,” Joel states, clearly not surprised. “It’s time to go, and you’re my driver,” he tells Dylan as he moves toward us. Nate and a very drunk Cory follow behind, and I rush to help Nate get Cory in the car, a little concerned at the state she’s in. She smiles up at me in thanks, and I try not to frown down at her. I’ve seen drunk Cory, but this is a lot.When did that happen? She wasn’t this bad when I left. That must have been some make-out session. No wonder I’m worked up. I need a release.

I stare at Dylan longingly, in silent question,how’s this going to work?As if reading my mind, Joel bursts out laughing. “Relax, you two. I was kidding. I’m not going home; you have the place to yourselves tonight. Have fun.” He winks and then bounces his eyebrows.

I should be embarrassed that he easily figured out what’s going on, but right now, I wouldn’t care if the world knew. That’s future Summer’s problem. Dylan remains expressionless, trying to appear unfazed by what’s happening, but I know he’s worried about my reaction.

“Bye, guys,” I say and walk to Dylan’s truck, bringing a full smile to his face. I’m sure I’m sending the wrong message by going home with him tonight, but thanks to my sweet spot, I can’t bring myself to care right now.

Dylan and I walk casually from the truck to his door. There’s no touching or words. We look like two innocent people heading in the same direction, if you don’t see the playful grins we’re both trying to hide. The second we step inside, everything changes. Dylan pushes me against a wall and devours me, kissing my lips, my neck, that little spot below the ear. Every visible inch of skin.

I hitch one leg up and wrap it around his waist, mimicking our parking lot romp as my hands grip his tee and pull him closer. When our bodies connect, I moan, and Dylan slips his tongue into my mouth. He grinds into me a few times before grabbing my legs under my ass and lifting me up into his arms like I weigh nothing at all. Without breaking our kiss, he carries me into the kitchen and sets me down on the counter.

“This isn’t how I wanted to do this, but fuck, I need you,” he rasps in my ear and then bites down on my earlobe. I moan again and then pull his lips back to mine. I’m sure I should be reading something into his comment, but I’m too far gone to care.

Dylan pushes my dress up my legs and then lifts me slightly to pull it higher. When my butt lifts off the counter, I pull my leggings and panties down to create a distraction, stopping Dylan from undressing me. He groans when I drop them at his feet and then spread my legs wide enough for him to step between.

Within seconds, his pants are around his ankles, and he’s sheathed and pressing inside me. Our foreplay started back at the bar, so there’s no time for that now. I moan at the feel of him as he moves inside me.

The sex is hot and quick, just like the last time. It’s like he knows what I want, without me having to voice it. He can read me like no one has before.

A feeling of increased pleasure hits me in my core as Dylan slides me to the edge and presses in deeper. “Oh, God,” I scream, not even caring if the neighbors can hear me.Did we even shut the front door?

Tags: Katherine Jay Romance