Page 80 of Mistakes Were Made

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Hand delivered them and fucked you in an on call room

Cassie [11:07 PM]

Or is that something that only happens in greys anatomy?

Cassie’s heart beat probably two hundred times before Erin responded.

Erin [11:08 PM]

It is… not something that only happens in Grey’s Anatomy.

Cassie [11:09 PM]

No? Has cardiology intern Ian been giving you the eye and nodding toward the on call room?

Erin [11:09 PM]

Cardiology intern Ian can keep his hands to himself

Erin [11:10 PM]

You on the other hand…

Cassie grinned. She wouldn’t have pegged Erin for a sexter, but the thought was thrilling. She noticed the time, closed her eyes, and made a wish that this ended well. Resting one hand on her stomach, over the tank top, she texted back with the other.

Cassie [11:11 PM]

Would we have to be quick? So no one catches on?

Erin [11:12 PM]

And so I don’t get called away for a patient

Cassie [11:12 PM]

I’d push you against the door as soon as you had it locked

Erin [11:13 PM]

God, Cassie, are we really doing this?

Cassie [11:14 PM]

Do you not want to?

Erin [11:15 PM]

I do. I’ve just never done this before

Cassie [11:15 PM]

You mean had sex in the on call room?;)

Erin [11:16 PM]

That too

Cassie [11:16 PM]

Tags: Meryl Wilsner Romance