Page 29 of My Best Chance

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When we arrived at Giovanni’s, the hostess asked if there were three of us, and pleasure pulsed through my body when Ryan agreed.

When I followed behind her to the booth, my chest tightened. I wanted a family.

Corey and Ryan sat across from me, debating toppings like it was the most important decision they’d ever made.

Corey’s face screwed up. “I let you get pineapples last time, and it was gross.”

Ryan straightened his spine as if he was affronted. “It wasn’t gross. And don’t use that word at the table, please.”

I loved that Ryan gently corrected him. He was guiding him to be a good kid and a respectful adult.

Corey grumbled under his breath. “It wasn’t good.”

Ryan sighed. “Fine. Meat lovers it is.”

I raised a brow in mock indignation. “Does anyone care whatI’dlike on my pizza?”

Both looked at me like they’d forgotten I was there.

“Sorry,” they both said at once, their expressions sheepish.

Ryan pushed the menu over to me. “We could get two pizzas if you want something else.”

“Yeah, I can eat, and I’m starving,” Corey added.

“So, you’ve said,” Ryan said dryly.

I didn’t even want to think about his grocery bill, especially as Corey went through his teen years. I remembered Nana grumbling about Jake eating her out of house and home.

“What you picked is fine.” I should have given them a hard time, but I wasn’t picky about pizza.

“Seriously? You know we decided on meat lovers,” Ryan asked.

I smiled. “Yeah. I’ll eat anything.”

“You’re my kind of girl, then.” Ryan chuckled and winked at Corey.

I knew he was just being friendly. He wasn’t flirting while he was sitting next to his twelve-year-old son, but the words hit somewhere in the center of my chest, making me want more.

Ryan ordered for us and lapsed into a play-by-play description of the game. Corey seemed to hang on to every word of praise and encouragement from Ryan as if he were starved for them. I listened, not understanding all the football speak but entranced by their interaction.

Ryan really was a good dad. He was connecting with him on something he knew about, offering him advice about his play and encouraging him to support his teammates. It was perfect.Hewas perfect.

“When’s your next game?” I asked Corey after the pizza arrived, and we were each served a slice.

“We have one on Tuesday, then on Saturday.”

I bit into the cheesy pizza. “This is so good.”

Occasionally, I’d order pizza, but from one of the chains that delivered. I almost never ate out at Giovanni’s, even though everyone raved about it being the best pizza in town.

“You don’t come here often?” Ryan asked, then took a large bite of his slice.

“Almost never. I don’t think I’ve eaten inside since high school. And they don’t deliver, so…”

“So…what?” Ryan asked, shifting closer to me as if trying to understand. “Are you saying that you don’t come here or that you don’t eat pizza?”

“Both? I’ll occasionally order delivery.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance