Page 124 of My Best Chance

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I took it without thinking because it was natural to take his hand.

He tugged me over to the couch. “I asked him to invite you.”

I pulled my hand from his, keeping it firmly in my lap. “Why would he do that?”

For the first time, Ryan looked uncertain. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“And you couldn’t contact me yourself?” I was excited about what it meant, but I was cautious, given the space he’d created between us the last week.

He tipped his head slightly. “Honestly? I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

“You have no one to blame but yourself.” The words were out before I could soften them.

The garage held so many memories of our relationship. It hurt to be here, even if this was his way of making the last week up to me.

“I’m sorry. I screwed up. I didn’t lean on you when I should have. I pushed you away while telling myself it was because I wanted to protect you, but I hurt you instead.”

All I could do was nod because it was true. The pain was still there, underneath the hope and excitement.

“I think I’ve loved you for a while now, but I let my life get in the way.”

“What did you say?” The air conditioning unit had just kicked on, and I wasn’t positive I heard him correctly.

He looked at me, his expression so sincere I couldn’t look away. “I love you, Hailey Stockton.”

I sucked in a breath. “I love you too.”

It didn’t change what had happened, and we couldn’t go back and erase it.

His face pinched, he said, “I thought if I waited until the hearings were over, and I knew where Corey was going to be living, then I could focus on us.”

“When you’re in a relationship, you let the other person be there for you through the good and the bad.”

“I know that now. I screwed up. Can you forgive me? Can you give me another chance?”

Something came back to me—a toast we’d done to our best chance. What if Ryan was my best chance at love? Everyone made mistakes. I had too. “I was scared you’d follow Corey to Texas.”

He kept his gaze on me. “I think I would have.”

I’d thought that admission would throw me, but it didn’t. It was what I expected him to say. He wouldn’t have been leaving me, he would have been following his heart—Corey. He was being honest. Real love wasn’t always perfect. It was complicated. “You’re an amazing father.”

He took both of my hands in his. “No matter where we live, I want you in my life. In Corey’s life. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it work. I don’t want to spend another day without you.”

I shook my head slowly, hope blooming in my chest. “I don’t either.”

His expression was so earnest and sincere it broke through the remaining wall of resistance. “Will you be a part of our family? Me, Corey, and you?”

My eyes stung with unshed tears, and my heart overflowed with joy. This was everything I ever wanted.

“I’d love that.” I climbed into his lap and threw my arms around his neck. I breathed in his familiar scent and relaxed into his body.

“I’m right where I want to be,” Ryan murmured into my hair.

“This is where I belong. With you.”

I relaxed into his arms, knowing we had a lifetime to spend as a family. That we’d face any obstacles together.


Tags: Lea Coll Romance