Page 113 of My Best Chance

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Feeling slightly more confident, I rolled my shoulders back. “I’d happily share custody. But I don’t know what was happening in her home that caused her to send him here to start with.”

Hailey tipped her head to the side. “Will that come out?”

“I don’t know. Avery said it’s dangerous to ask a question we don’t know the answer to. If this was a regular custody case, there’s a process where Avery could have gotten more information from Tiffany prior to the court hearing. I think Avery called it discovery or something.”

“Remember that you’re a great father, and Corey loves you. He’s happy living with you. Keep repeating that to yourself in there.”

Already, I could breathe a little easier. The tightness had eased in my chest. “Thanks for being here.”

She let out a breath. “You’ve got this.”

Avery appeared at our side. “Are you ready to go in?”

“Do you need me in there?” Hailey asked, her tone uncertain.

“Absolutely.” I laced my fingers with hers. I needed her to be in that room with me. I thought I could do this on my own, but I couldn’t. I needed her.

I couldn’t think past today, or the next hearing, but I knew without a doubt I wouldn’t get through any of it without Hailey by my side.

Standing tall, I walked inside the courthouse doors next to Hailey and Avery. I had to believe that whatever happened would be for the best. Maybe Corey belonged with his mother, but I’d had this time with him. Hopefully, we’d forged a bond he’d never forget. The best thing was that I knew I’d never defer to Tiffany’s wishes again. I was a great dad, and Corey needed me in his life, too. I would fight for him and for us.

“You’ve got this,” Hailey repeated to me as we walked inside our assigned courtroom.

I didn’t know if she was reassuring herself or me.

We sat together until our case was called. I stood, the doubts creeping in again. Hailey squeezed my hand, and I heard the words she didn’t say:I’ve got this.I’m a great dad. Corey deserves to have me in his life.

I nodded at her and followed Avery to the trial table.

The attorneys went through the introductions, and then the judge let Tiffany’s attorney speak first since it was their motion. I kept my gaze on the judge who was listening intently. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

Avery went next. She summarized the circumstances around how he’d come to live with us and the amazing things that Corey was doing with me. Each word filled me with more hope. Surely, the judge had to see what I did.

Then they called Tiffany to the stand. Her attorney led her through our shared history, how she’d always been the primary caregiver, and I’d had visitation. She didn’t mention why she sent Corey to live with me.

Avery stood up for cross examination. “When you got pregnant, you chose to move to Texas.”

It wasn’t exactly a question, but Tiffany said, “Yes.”

Avery walked around the trial table. “Taking Corey away from his father and both sets of grandparents.”

Tiffany glanced uneasily at her attorney. “That’s true.”

Avery paused, tipping her head to the side as if considering her. “But Ryan moved to be with you and Corey, didn’t he?”

Tiffany glanced at me. “He did.”

“In fact, he continued to follow you wherever you moved for the past twelve years.” Avery’s voice was stronger like she was building up to something.

Tiffany’s lips twisted as she glared at me. “Until he opened a garage in Annapolis.”

I took a deep breath, remembering Avery’s reminder to stay calm and not react to anything Tiffany said.

“And you sent Corey to live with him?” Avery asked.

“It was supposed to be temporary.” Tiffany’s voice raised at the end.

“When Ryan asked if you wanted visitation, you said no, didn’t you?” Avery asked, her tone even.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance