Page 110 of My Best Chance

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She winced. “It’s not like that.”

“It’s exactly like that. Each time you came back and left without taking us, you hurt us.” It was important that she hear me, even if she believed something different.

“I thought you’d understand.”

“You’re my mother. You were supposed to take care of me, be there for me, support and protect me. Everything Jake and Nana did instead. So, you’ve lost that title”—I turned away from her—“I changed my mind. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

Did it matter why she was here? Did it change anything?

Jake’s hand moved so that his arm was around me. He pulled me into his side, and I took the comfort he offered.

Mom moved until she was standing in front of us. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“You left us.” I couldn’t imagine any other outcome than this one.

“I’m staying at Juliana’s Bed & Breakfast tonight if you want to talk.” Then she left.

Jake opened the door and led me inside.

“Why were you here?” Jake asked me.

“I needed to see you.” Then I burst into tears. Between Ryan and then seeing my mother after so many years, my emotions were high.

He gathered me in his arms like he had so many times before, except now, I was bigger.

“This isn’t just about Mom, is it?”

I wiped away the tears. “It’s about Ryan.”

“What about Ryan?”

I took in a deep breath. I hadn’t talked to Ryan about telling Jake, but it felt like the right time. I needed his support. I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. “We’re seeing each other.”

Jake rubbed the back of his neck like he was trying to make sense of my words. “What are you talking about?”

“Ryan and I were dating, seeing each other. Whatever. We didn’t label it.” We just were.

His brow furrowed. “He never said—”

“I think we wanted to make sure it was real before we talked to you. Then this stuff happened with Tiffany, and everything’s up in the air.”

“Yeah, I knew that, but”—he sat on a chair, his legs spread wide—“help me out here. I feel like I’m playing catch-up.”

Moving to sit across from him on his couch, I was so relieved to tell him everything, it just tumbled out. I told him about our deepening relationship, our connection, and how I cared for Corey—I left out the sexy times.

When I was finished, Jake shook his head. “Did you ever plan on telling me?”

I hated disappointing him. “I’m not sure it matters now. Are you mad?”

He rested his head in his hands. “I wish Ryan had talked to me first.”

Did it say something that he didn’t? That he had no plans to? Maybe I was merely a momentary diversion from his life.

“He doesn’t need your permission.” I appreciated Jake’s concern, but if Ryan and I wanted to date, we didn’t need his approval.

Jake growled.

“Maybe he thought we wouldn’t last with everything going on.” That hurt the most. That he didn’t trust me enough to let me in.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance