Page 37 of Brews & Bartenders

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“Me too. I’m glad you drew the short straw this time around.” Her other comment is not worth responding to.

“I bet,” she grumbles. “Can you grab a few stands while I load these? The only plus side, is the funeral director sets it up. I can drop and run because dead bodies freak me out.”

I go to the back of the shop and get the flower stands she requested. The funeral home typically has some, but we like to take a few with us just in case. Instead of stopping at the counter, I walk out the front door and hand them to Kate. “Thanks,” she sighs. “Where are Sam and Emily?”

“They went to lunch early so I can meet Carlos during my lunch.”

“You’re seeing him more than I expected.”

I nod. “Mornings and mid-day are all we have to see each other with our work hours.”

“Are you going to introduce him to David? Or even the rest of your family?”

“Pfft. Most of my family frequents the bar at some point during the week so they know who he is. As for David, not yet.” Not ever if we end things within a reasonable time. Though after the other night, I don’t know that I want things to end. At least not the physical part of it.

“I can understand that. You want to protect him in case things don’t work out.” She opens the van door and slides in. “But as a product of divorced parents, you don’t want to wait forever if you see a future with this guy. If David finds out from someone else, it’s going to be devastating.” She closes the door, starts the engine, and drives away.

That thought never occurred to me. I’m not sure if that makes me an awful mother, but up until him bringing food to my house, I never thought I’d feel anything but friendship for Carlos. Now, I don’t know. The lines are already starting to blur and it’s barely been a week. Eventually I’ll have to ask Carlos what he thinks. Right now, though, I want to feel giddy in a way I haven’t felt in way too long.

“How has your work day been so far?” Carlos sits down next to me at one of the tables. We’re meeting at Out of the Ashes. He’s working the morning and afternoon shift, and it’s just easier.

“It’s been okay, I guess.” I shrug and take a drink of my sweet tea. “Had to get flowers ready for a funeral, which is never fun.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s part of the job. Flowers aren’t just for happily ever afters.”

“True, but they should be.” He takes a drink of his water. This is the part that sucks about lunch dates, we both have to go back to work afterward.

“How’s your day?” I ask. “Any chance you’ve talked Patrick into making us steaks? I feel the need to compare.”

Carlos chuckles and shakes his head. “He said he’s only making what’s on the menu, and steaks aren’t. Basically, we’re screwed.”

“Maybe not,” I shrug. “I’ve been known to be pretty good on the grill.”

“Really?” I can’t tell if his tone is mocking or not.

“Women are perfectly capable of grilling. I’m sure Angie did it a lot here.”

“Only for a little bit. She’s not the world’s best cook, but she does enough to get by if she has to.” He clears his throat, “and I wasn’t insinuating you couldn’t grill. I just haven’t met a lot of women who enjoy it.”

“I taught myself. With burgers the first time, and the flames went so high, I thought I burned off my eyebrows.”

“That sounds like a challenge.” Carlos rubs his hands together like an evil villain.

Before I have a chance to respond, Eric shows up with two plates of food. “Buffalo wings all around,” he grins. He holds up two small packets, “I even brought you wet wipes because I’m not a jerk.”

“Wait, you don’t give them to everyone?”

He shrugs and turns back toward the bar. “Depends if I like them or not.”

“Is he telling the truth?” I whisper to Carlos. I feel bad for the people if it is.

“No. He rarely gives people their food.” He picks up a wing out of his basket and grins. “So back to the challenge.”

“I never agreed to a challenge.” The last thing I want to do is cook on a date.

“Come on,” he smirks. “I’ll make it easy for you and let you decide what we’re cooking.”

Tags: Katrina Marie Romance