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Hester gave a huff, but it lacked heat. She slid off his lap and went to sit at the leather-topped desk in the corner. From the drawer she pulled out a small book, dipped a pen in the inkpot, and began to write.

“What are you doing?”

She lifted her head. “I’m writing a record of our adventures in Egypt.”

“Are you going to mention the scorpion necklace?”

“Of course. And the curse, too.”

“Supposedcurse,” Harry said.

She chewed the end of her pen thoughtfully. “I know it ended up at the bottom of the sea, but what if it finds its way back into someone’s hands someday? A written record of our experience might prove an invaluable resource for future generations.”

Harry smiled. “A noble idea. I wouldn’t dream of stopping you.”

Hester shot him a congratulatory glance. “The perfect response, Tremayne. I believe you might turn out to be quite a good husband after all.”

Harry sent her a heated look and enjoyed the pink that tinged her cheeks. “Oh, you know the family motto.Semper Paratus. I’m ready for anything you can throw at me, my dear.”


Tags: K.C. Bateman Historical