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His grip tightened on her nape. “Of course I did. I love you. Haven’t you realized that by now?”

He didn’t wait for an answer. He simply captured her mouth with his.

Hester almost swooned in delight.

His lips molded hers with delicious assurance. His tongue slid along the seam of her mouth, urging her to part her lips, and when she did, he swept inside and took full possession. Sensations swirled through her with the ferocity of a sandstorm. She fisted the material of his shirt and pulled him closer, losing herself in the glory of it.

The taste of him was perfect, wicked and dark, and she wanted to keep on kissing him forever, to play this sensuous game of slide and retreat until neither of them could think.

He groaned into her mouth, a sound of pure animal need, and his fingers threaded through her hair to angle her head to his satisfaction. He kissed her as if he could never get enough of her, as if he’d been thirsting for her taste for an eternity. When he finally pulled away, they were both panting.

“Marry me,” he said unsteadily.

Hester shook her head, trying to clear her befuddled thoughts. She released his shirt from her grip and pulled back. “Don’t say that. You don’t have to offer for me just because we’ve kissed. I told you that back in England.”

He gazed deep into her eyes. “That’s not why I’m asking. Iwantto marry you. More than anything in this world. What do you say to one more adventure?”

Hester’s heart seemed to expand and glow. “You really mean it?”

He gave a lopsided smile. “God help me, I do. I must be a glutton for punishment.”

She couldn’t help it; she laughed. He really was a charming rogue. Life with him would never be dull. “We’ll drive each other mad.”

“I’m sure of it.”

“I’ll want to strangle you on a daily basis.”

“I’ll want to kiss you even more often.”

“Is that a threat?”

“It’s a promise. I’ll even kiss you when it’s not raining. How’s that?”

Hester’s smile widened. “In that case, Tremayne, I accept.”

Harry gave a whoop of joy and gathered her against his chest. His hug almost crushed her ribs, but she was laughing against his shirt.

When he finally released her, he helped her to her feet, and they both went to join Suleiman at the ship’s rail. Hester gasped as she caught sight of Drovetti’s lifeless body floating face-down on the swell.

“He drowned?”

Suleiman nodded in disgust. “Crocodiles did not eat his heart.” He sounded disappointed. “He went after the necklace even though he couldn’t swim. Such is the power of man’s greed.” He glanced meaningfully up at the sky, which was once again a bright, clear blue, with no hint of the previous storm. “And of the goddess’s wrath,” he added reverently.

Hester turned to see if the inclement weather had moved inland, but there was not a cloud to be seen. She shook her head, mystified.

Harry was staring out at the murky water, at the spot where the necklace had disappeared. “At least Napoleon won’t get his hands on the scorpion. He’d need to dredge the bay to find it now.”

A stab of disappointment pierced Hester at the loss of such a beautiful thing, but she shook it off. The necklace could sleep undisturbed at the bottom of the sea. Curse or no curse, she was in no doubt of Harry’s love. And that was all she’d ever desired.

Harry glanced over at Suleiman. “Ready to head back to Egypt, my friend?”

Hester elbowed him in the ribs. “You’re not planning to buy any mummies to take to England, are you?”

He shook his head. “You made a persuasive argument for not providing the good surgeons of London with—how did you put it? Ah yes,—‘somebody’s grandmother.’ Every time I look at one, I have an image of Aunt Agatha wrapped up in bandages.” He gave a theatrical shudder. “No. It won’t do. There are better ways to earn a few shillings.”

Hester lifted herself on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Harry turned her in his arms and bent to kiss her again, but Suleiman cleared his throat.

Tags: K.C. Bateman Historical