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Embry has taken over as monarch, and apparently the transition of power is finished. Ze really was doing a lot of it already, so it was more a formality than anything.

Thane squeezes my hand. I don’t think he’s stopped smiling since that morning when things changed with us forever. It’s as if he’s set down a burden he was carrying for a very long time. He even talks about Brant more now, though sometimes emotion chokes his voice. I can’t say I entirely understand, because I’ve never loved and lost the way he has, but I don’t expect it’s the kind of thing that ever really disappears.

It makes me value what we have all the more. Not a replacement for his husband. Just... different.

We move through the corridors. Up ahead, I hear voices speaking in low tones. It’s almost time.

I tug on Thane’s hand until he stops and looks down at me. “Change of heart?”

“What? No. Nothing like that.” I drag in a breath. “But I want you to promise me something.”

He’s oh so serious as he says. “Of course. Anything.”

God, but what did I do to deserve this man? Some days it still feels like it will be snatched from my hands. But I trust Thane. And... I trust myself. I manage a smile. “After this, I would like a reward.”

“A... reward.”

We haven’t had sex in three weeks. First because I needed time to heal physically, and then because I felt too raw emotionally. Even with the new birth control pendant that hangs around my neck, I had to work through my feelings.

I’m ready now.

“Yes, a reward. I think I’ve been a very good girl.” I step closer to him, and he parts his tentacles to allow it. “So when we get home, I would very much like you to rip this dress right off me and do your best to fuck the brat out of me.”

The smile drops off Thane’s face, leaving only naked heat. “You’re sure.”

“Very sure.”

He searches my face for several beats and nods slowly. “Very well, Lina. Be good while I introduce you to all the politicians and very important people in the next room... and then I’ll drag you into the nearest supply closet and fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”

The breath leaves my body in a whoosh. “How am I supposed to focus withthathappening in the near future?”

Thane’s grin goes sharp. “I suppose you’ll find a way, won’t you?”

“I love you.” The words burst out of me, too strong to contain.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses me hard. “I love you, too. Now, let’s get this over with so we can have some fun.” He takes my hand, and we turn to walk through the door. Meeting the court side by side. Together.

With Thane at my side, I’ll never have to face down scary experiences alone again. I’ll never bealoneagain. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, but maybe he’s right when he says it’s not about deserving good things as much as it’s about accepting them when they come.

We’re both doing better with that sort of thing these days.

“Hey,” I whisper. I wait for him to look down at me. “I love you.”

“You just said that.” He tugs me a little closer. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Thane. Now and forever.”

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