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“Maybe they went inside?” Ashton says.

I frown. “Inside where? The offices?”

“Maybe he had to sign something,” Jason says. “You know, since he paid for Mia’s fees and all.”

“No more gold borrowing,” I whisper. “The gold he borrowed for me. No more favors.”

“He was going to ask the elders if they know anything about our situation and the enchantment.” Ashton rubs a hand over his face. “He did imply once that there might be a price to pay.”

“He said, ‘You don’t know what you’re asking,’”I breathe, recalling the scene.

This time we all look at each other and I see a dawning horror in their eyes that is probably mirroring mine.

“Oh fuck,” Emrys says, and we turn as one and march toward the registration office.

It’s too late, though.

Sindri and the elder are both gone.



“What the fuck.” Ashton has never sounded less eloquent. He places his hands on the secretary’s desk. “What do you mean, the elder took him home?”

“Mr. Marais D’Aube,” Miss Worthy says primly. “It means exactly what it sounds like. An elder from Mr. Arash’s clan came and Mr. Arash talked with him. The elder told me that he was taking Mr. Arash back home with him so that—”

“Goddammit, stop calling him Mr. Arash! It’s Sindri.That’s his name.”

A silence falls after Ashton’s outburst. I grab his arm and haul him back a step.

“Ash,” I hiss. “Calm the fuck down.”

“Miss Worthy,” Mia says. “It’s family visit time. Is anyone allowed to take students out of the Academy?”

“Well, not against their will, certainly.” She looks uneasy.

“Sindri never mentioned any plans of leaving and going home today,” Mia goes on, her voice quiet but shaking. “He never expressed any desire to leave.”

“I don’t follow, Miss Apollinari.”

“Well, let me clarify this for you. What she’s asking,” Emrys says, “is whether you talked to Sindri before he left today with this elder and whether he signed the book of exits.”

“There is a book for that?” Mia whispers.

Miss Worthy pales. “I… I assumed that Mr. Arash… that Sindri went with the elder of his own free will. I haven’t spoken to him today. I saw them talking with each other at the entrance of the office, and when I looked up… they were gone.”

“You mean he could still be at the Academy?” Mia asks.

Miss Worthy shakes her head. “No, the person in charge of the portal has noted that both of them have left the grounds.”

“Damn.” Emrys turns around, swathed in a faint halo of flames. “Damn it all.”

“I’m sure the elder will bring him back promptly,” Miss Worthy continues. “It would be against the rules otherwise. Elders have a certain leeway, but if Sindri isn’t back by tonight, we shall contact the House of Arash and request the student’s return.”

“Well, you’d better fucking hope that Sindri returns unharmed,” Ashton says, and again I pull him back as he strains in my hold.

I’m angry, too, and it fucks me up that it’s partly fear. I thought we were safe here. I remember the vampire elders. They were fucking scary bastards. Sadistic, powerful bastards, to be precise, and I bet the fae elders aren’t any better.

Tags: Mona Black Paranormal