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“Yes,” I say though I don’t. Jason mentioned pleasure but my mind is shying away from the meaning of it.

“Come to me, then.” Ashton reaches for my hand. Red is bleeding into his irises and I remember that happening at the party in the gym, too. I hadn’t wondered much about it then, but now I know what it means: bloodthirst.

He hauls me against him and I fall on his chest, our mouths inches apart. I’m looking into his eyes. The irises are now turning a solid crimson, but it doesn’t scare me, strangely, nor the lengthening fangs and sharp teeth he bares at me. It’s oddly beautiful. Oddly sexy.

Lifting his other hand, he brushes my hair back, tucking it behind my ears, sweeping the long strands off my neck. “Mia…” he whispers, and his voice wraps around me, his scent is everywhere, and when he bends toward me, I shiver. “Be one with me…”

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but I can’t. As his mouth touches the side of my neck, hot and firm, as I turn my head more to give him better access, I catch sight of Jason. He’s still crouched there, emotions warring in his green eyes—what looks like heat and sadness and a touch of anger.

Without a thought, I reach one hand toward him and Jason takes a moment to react, his brows arching. I tug and he scoots closer as Ashton’s grip on my other hand tightens. I’m almost glad I can’t see Ashton’s face now, though I’m curious, and why isn’t he doing anything, this isn’t hurting or being pleasurable, I don’t—

His fangs pierce my skin and I jerk, his hold on me keeping me in place. Jason murmurs something, his fingers tangled with mine, and I squeeze his hand as violent pleasure rushes through me, riding the edge of pain, making my toes curl inside my shoes. Heat shoots into my belly, between my legs. It’s impossible to fight it. I feel my nipples tighten, feel the heat rush down into the core of me and I let out a small cry.

Then Jason is kissing my mouth, swallowing any other sound I might have made, and it’s a relief, but the way his mouth moves over mine and his spiced taste only intensify the sensations. I moan, clutching his hand, my blood on fire, the pressure down below nearly unbearable. Something has to give. I need… release.

Ashton has his face buried in the crook of my neck, Jason has a hand now in my hair as he eats out my mouth, groaning, tugging me toward him. I’m burning up, my body is a taut string, too taut, painfully aroused…

And then two shadows fall over us and I jerk back, breaking the kiss, jarring Ashton’s mouth from my neck. I glance up at them, panting, my entire body thrumming with arousal.

It’s Emrys and Sindri—and they don’t look happy at all.



“So is this how this shit’s gonna be?” Emrys folds his arms over his chest, tilting his head back, his Mohawk rising like a bird’s crest. He’s wearing a black tank top that leaves his muscular arms bare and his tattoos curl over bulging biceps. “We go looking for Mia only to find you two fucking her?”

“They’re not—” I start.

“You thought that screwing the witch might gain you points?” Sindri says, echoing Emrys’ pose, arms folded over his chest but with his head bowed forward, silky blue and black hair falling in his eyes. “Is this a race,abesh k’emel? I should have known you’d fucking cheat to get the upper hand.”

“The upper hand?” My confusion is clearing and anger is rearing its ugly head once more. “You want to talk about cheating?You?”

“Yes, me.” Sindri blinks those starry eyes of his, and despite my anger, I let my gaze sweep over those broad cheekbones to the expressive mouth and the sharp line of his jaw, trail down that fine, muscular body clad in a black leather vest and low-hanging pants over combat boots. The silver hoops along the shell of his pointed ears catch the light. “Why?”

“After sending those videos of me to everyone?”

He blinks again, one corner of his mouth tilting up. “Hm.”

“That’s all you got to say?Hm?” I’m shaking—from adrenaline, from pleasure, from anger—and that’s when I realize I’m still holding hands with Jason, and Ashton still has a hard grip on my wrist.

I try to yank my hands away but neither of them lets go.

“She helped me,” Ashton says, his voice bass and sonorous. “I needed blood.”

“How delightful,” Sindri sneers. “And I suppose she was at the same time giving the wolf the kiss of life?”

“Fuck you,” Jason growls, his eyes going all wolf, more yellow than green.

“Take your hands off her,” Emrys says, his voice crackling, his Mohawk tipped with fire.

“Whoa.” Desperately I tug on my hands to free them and this time the two boys let go. “Rys. Your hair is… on fire.”

Jason snickers. “Letting your temper get away from you, demon? Are you jealous?”

Emrys takes a step forward, his hands dropping to his sides, curling into fists. “I’d be jealous if you’d done anything memorable, Mutt. As it is, I’ve seen a hell of lot more of her body than any of you two poor bastards combined.”

“What the hell do you mean?” Ashton says, very quietly.

Tags: Mona Black Paranormal