Page 50 of The Chaos You Crave

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Ashtyn smirked at Everett and met him for a hug that he held onto for a second too long. Too long to just be friendly. What the fuck?

Per usual Ashtyn, a blush touched her cheeks as he finally released her.

"You two know each other?" Axel asked, sensing that I was about to lose my shit. Obviously, they knew each other.

"You could say that," Everett said casually. I noticed a slight flare of Ashtyn's nostrils at the insinuation.

"Bro," Cade said to me quietly, looking down at my hand clutching the beer can so tightly it was crumpling, beer spilling out.

Ashtyn's eyes met mine and the slight irritation she had toward Everett exploded into a scowl at me. Again. "I need a drink," she said before linking her arm with Gabby's and going to the bar.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I asked Everett, his grin marring his preppy face.

I didn't think a guy like Everett would be Ashtyn's type, but I guess I didn't know her type. I assumed it would be like me. Everett was the polar opposite. He was light, blonde, and pristine. No tattoos or piercings or flaws. I was dark and marked, scarred, imperfect.

"We met a few months ago. Ithoughtshe liked me, but then I got ghosted like a bitch," he laughed, his face full of humor and a little sadness. "First time a chick ever did that to me."

"You're kidding? Princess did a little pump and dump of her own. She took a page from your playbook, Moretti," Axel playfully punched my arm for emphasis and I tried not to cringe.

Don't remind me.

"The sex was...epic. Damn, I can't believe she's here," Everett said wistfully as he stared at her ass.

I looked back over to the bar as Ashtyn poured two drinks–tequila, lime juice, and some other kind of alcohol. And she poureda lot. The girls clinked their plastic glasses together and both took a big gulp. Gabby winced and coughed, Ashtyn laughed at her and took another sip.

"I'd lay off, man. West and princess have a–history," said Cade, keeping a steady glare on the side of Everett's head.

"Did she ghost your ass too?" Everett shifted his focus back to our group.

"The opposite. The dumbass fucked her and ran," explained Cade. I rolled my eyes and wished I smoked more of that blunt earlier.


"Because he's a dumbass."

Ashtyn looked over at us with the red cup pressed to her perfect lips. She narrowed her eyes at me and downed the rest of her drink before going with Gabby to the makeshift dance floor on the other side of the pool.

"Basically. What he said," I finally responded.

"She's awesome. Like obviously she's hot but she's just a cool chick."

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw, trying not to punch this dude in the face for talking about Ashtyn. Everything he said was true, and it pissed me off that someone else thought those things about her. Someone else who has first-hand knowledge of her body, her moans, her kisses, her tight little pussy.


I excused myself and went inside the pool house, looking for the whiskey we had earlier. I needed something a little stronger than beer. Not that mixing weed and alcohol was the best idea–but I couldn’t find a fuck to give right now. I took a swig from the cold bottle, not bothering with a glass. I didn't want to get drunk but I didn't want to be sober either. Ashtyn's mood soured from when she got out of the pool, so I was putting money on her hearing about Kendra.

The truth was...I had no interest in anyone else since that night at Aces. Even before that, I slipped into this mindset where I didn’t want basic bitches anymore. No feelings and no fight? I didn’t like it.

Seeing Ashtyn again, reallyseeing herafter so long, ignited something in me. I wanted more of her, even though every part of my brain told me it wasn't a good idea. The more I drank, the less I listened to the logical part of my internal dialogue.Too bad, fuckerI thought to myself as another splash of whiskey burned my throat.



"Youlookgorgeous,mybeautiful gothic angel," Cade winked at Gabby and she rolled her eyes in return. "You too, princess."

"Thank you, Cade." I elbowed Gabby in the side. She sighed in return and adjusted her black leather mini skirt down to cover more of her thighs.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic