Page 125 of The Chaos You Crave

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“Why shouldn’t I be? You left me withher. I’d much rather have spent the last few years being here.”

“This is no place for a young girl. Not with all the guys around, hopped up on weed and raging hormones.”

“Do you know what it was like living with her? She was drunk all the time. Abusive–verbally, emotionally, physically. I couldn’t fucking take it. I started doing this.” I pointed to the scars on my forearm. I didn’t want his pity, but he needed to know what he did when he left. “I’ve worked my ass off to pay our bills because she could never be bothered to get a job. Yet she always had new clothes, shoes, purses. We almost lost the house.”

Dad clenched his jaw. “You didn’t almost lose the house, Ash.”


“The house is in my name. The mortgage has been paid free and clear. Whatever she told you was a lie.”

“You’re telling me I’ve been giving her money every month for a mortgage payment that didn’t exist?”

“Fucking bitch,” Remington said from the other side of me.

“I’m sorry. I paid the house off when we got divorced. I didn’t want y’all to end up on the streets, which is where your mother would be without someone else taking care of her. I had no idea she would keep that from you. I also sent her money every month for child support.”

“What are we going to do about her? Ashtyn can’t live with her after what she pulled last night,” Remington said.

“Of course not. That bitch should be put down,” Dad gritted.

“We’re not killing Mom,” I said. “But I do want her out of my life for good.”

Dad’s eyes flicked to Remington ever so slightly and then back to me. “She’s not staying in my house. I’ll have her removed and then you can go back.”

“She can’t be by herself!” Remington shouted.

“I’ll stay with her,” West said, finally speaking.

Remington scoffed and Dad narrowed his eyes. “West Moretti. I have a hard time believing your father would let you near Ashtyn.”

“Why is that?”

It was beyond strange how Oliver was dead set on keeping me away from West.

“Well, you know the business we dabble in. It’s probably a little risky having his son fucking my daughter.”

“We’re not just fucking. We’re together. My dad has no say over who I spend my time with.”

Dad chuckled. “Oh, you just wait. If he sees you two together and realizes it’s serious…”

“Why would he care, Dad? Is it because of something you did?”

“It’s just the business, pumpkin. Rival families and all that. He probably thinks you’re with West to get intel to bring back to me.”

All of thisbusinessjargon was getting on my nerves. I knew that Dad did some shady shit in his club involving guns, but I didn’t realize Oliver Moretti wasn’t as clean as he liked to present himself. Based on West’s body language, I suspected he didn’t know that either.

“Bullshit rivalries aside…” Remington interrupted. “Ash can’t stay at the house alone. And you’re not staying with her either.” He looked at West only to be met with squinted eyes and a scowl.

“I agree,” Dad said.

“I think I can decide what I want! Neither of you have the right to tell me what to do at this point. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

“I guess you’re right,” Dad finally relented. Remington folded his arms across his chest in defeat.

“If I’m going to stay atyourhouse, the place needs some serious repairs. It’s been neglected for years.”

“Done,” Dad said, clasping his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic