Page 107 of The Chaos You Crave

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She nodded. “The guys all know now.”

"Holy shit, look at this!" Axel interrupted. He held his phone out so we could all see.

State Representative Carlisle Reynolds' Son Caught in Sex Scandal With Student

"Fuck, it's out," said Cade.

I looked at Ashtyn and watched as her eyes scanned the screen. I couldn't tell what was going on in her head, but she wasn't saying much. We looked up from Axel's phone in time to see the police officers walking Reynolds from the office out to the parking lot.

Principal Brecken's voice boomed over the intercom."All students are to report to the auditorium immediately. I repeat, ALL students to the auditorium. Do not go to your first-period classes."

Students around us cheered, celebrating not having to go to class. We followed the mass of people on the way to the auditorium until one of our guidance counselors, Mrs. Teague, stopped in front of us. "Ashtyn, I need you to come with me.”

Ash looked at me and bit the inside of her cheek.Fuck, did they know we had something to do with the leak? They couldn't. Axel was smart enough to cover his tracks.

"I can come with you," I said.

"It's okay as long as…" Ashtyn stopped and turned to Mrs. Teague. "Will it just be with you?"

"Principal Brecken and I both want to speak with you. Alone."

Ashtyn nodded and gave me a curt smile, releasing my hand to go to the office.

"You all helped her with her plan to take Reynolds down?” Gabby asked us.

“It was Axel, actually,” Cade said before looking down at his shoes.

“And she’s forgiven you for everything you did?” She asked me skeptically.

“We haven’t talked about it. But I do want to say that I didn’t touch Kendra. That was all a setup by Reynolds. He was the one behind that Instagram account.”

“Holy shit.”

“Let’s get a move on it, kids. Auditorium, now,” one of the gym teachers chided us.

I was about to go in, but I paused. "I'm going to wait out here for Ash. Let me know what bullshit they spew to try and spin this," I said to Cade before heading for the office.

I would wait outside the door for Ashtyn. Whatever was going on had to do with Reynolds, and she would need my support once she came out. I wasn't leaving her alone this time. No matter what.



"You'reprobablywonderingwhywe needed to speak with you," Mrs. Teague said with a sad smile. She was always so damn nice. One of the few people in this school who put forth an effort to talk with me. I appreciated that so much, even if she did annoy the fuck out of me at times.

"Yes," I said slowly, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt that saidDon't be a Richard. I hadn't even thought to change this morning once West decided we were going to The Diner. My brain was focused on breakfast.

Mrs. Teague sat in the chair beside me and Principal Brecken leaned up against the desk with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sure you've heard what's going on with Mr. Reynolds," Mrs. Teague started.

"We've all seen it," muttered Principal Brecken.

I nodded and Mrs. Teague continued. "What was your relationship with Mr. Reynolds like?"

I swallowed thickly and cleared my throat. "Relationship? He was my art teacher..."

"We found some things in his office. His notebook...there was someinterestingsubject matter," Mrs. Teague said carefully.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic