Page 104 of The Chaos You Crave

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I shook my head and tried to refute what he said, but words weren't coming to me. I moved my hands up his body to his neck and pulled him down to me, kissing him hard. He deepened our kiss, his tongue prodding at my mouth. I opened for him, letting him sweep inside my lips and devour me.

Bronx cleared his throat but West ignored him, continuing to kiss me and run his hands over my back down to my ass. Finally, I pulled away and looked around him.

Cade was smiling, Axel was looking at his laptop, and Bronx's face was filled with concern, worried about me. He'd seen me at my lowest and I told him not to say anything about it. It was a dick move on my part, but I wasn't ready for people to know about what happened.

West led me to the loveseat, sat down, and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my middle and resting his hands on my thighs. I curled into him and shut my eyes for a moment, soaking in everything about him.

"Ash," Bronx croaked. "I'm sorry for telling–about last night, I mean. You're not mad at me, are you? I didn't know what to do."

I shook my head. "I'm not mad, B. You did the right thing. I shouldn't have asked you not to say anything. If the roles were reversed, I would've done the same thing."

Instantly he looked relieved, a smile pulling at his lips as he relaxed into the chair. "Thank god. I was worried you'd be mad at me and ignore me for the next two years."

I chuckled at his veiled attempt at humor. "I appreciate you. All of you," I said, looking around our circle and stopping at West. I could drown in his eyes, never even stopping to ask for a life vest. I wouldn't give a shit. I continued, "For being here. And I know that you all know Reynolds hurt me. But I don't want to talk about that right now. I want to talk about my plan for revenge."

West stiffened, squeezing my thighs. It wasn't very noticeable, but I felt the change in his demeanor.

"I found a few things while you were napping," Axel said, looking around at all of us. "I was able to obtain Reynolds' bank records using my connections down at Gilchrist Point Credit Union–thanks, Dad. I noticed a charge at a hotel every week or so. The hotel happens to be owned by McKinley Industries—again,thanks, Dad."

He spun his laptop around so I could see it. It was security camera footage of the hotel lobby. Axel hit play, and Reynolds appeared on the screen. He walked up to the desk and checked in, hand-in-hand with a brunette wearing a tight dress and high heels.

"He took someone to a hotel," I observed.

"Not just anyone," Axel said before pulling up another clip. This footage was from the hallway. Reynolds and the brunette walked to their room. He screwed around with the key card, unable to get it to work. From the angle, Reynolds was the only one visible, and the brunette was facing away from the camera. As he got more frustrated by the key, the woman spun around.

It wasn't a brunette.

It was a blonde.

It was Kendra wearing a wig.

I gasped as the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place. Kendra was working with Reynolds and from the look of things, she was fucking him too.

"I knew it," I said as I squinted at the video. Kendra swiped the key from Reynolds and got it to work on the first try. He stormed into the room, blowing past her in a huff. She steadied herself, wobbling in her heels, and closed the door behind her.

"There's more where this came from. Lots of them. He rents out the same room every time and Kendra's always with him wearing that wig.”

"Jesus," Cade muttered. "I can't believe I ever fucked that psycho."

"We can't believe it either," said Bronx.

"What can we do with this?" Asked West. "Because I'm ready to beat the hell out of him. As long as he's in the hospital or a grave when I'm done with him, I don't care about this shit."

I turned to him and put my hands on his face. "You can't touch him, okay? You don't know what he's capable of. With his dad being political royalty or whatever, and him having more money than god, I don't want to risk him coming after you."

"I'm not afraid of him or his daddy. He deserves severe punishment for what he did."

"I know and he'll get it," I said calmly. I wanted to convince West that I was okay, that I didn't need his brand of retribution. At least not until I did this. Once theking–as he liked to call himself–lost his crown and faced public humiliation, then we could punish him physically. I'd be first in line to take a shot. What can I say? I am my father's daughter–a Savage Sinner–with a little bit of my manipulative mother mixed in. It was a deadly combination.

"I want to send these clips–all of them–to the local news station tonight. They have an email tip line. I also want to send his school photo, Kendra's school photo, and their social media account names. It's early enough that they'll have time to put together a story by morning. Then I want all the clips delivered to Principal Brecken as soon as school starts tomorrow," I said.

"I can do that. Why the wait on Brecken?" Axel asked as he typed on his laptop.

"I want Reynolds to be in school when he gets pulled out. I want that sick fuck to be thoroughly embarrassed in front of the girls who worship the ground he walks on," I smiled, another idea formulating in my devious brain. "One other thing. The news probably won't reveal Kendra's identity with their story since she's a student, so I want the clips sent to her father–if you can get that information?" I knew Axel could.

"Our savage princess," laughed Cade as Axel prepped the clips to be emailed in various directions.

West held me and kissed my lips softly. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic