Page 25 of Shatter

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I was done being a crybaby and letting a girl take over my every waking thought.

As the months went by, I lost myself in school. The classes were actually interesting, and the hands-on learning was exciting and cool. I worked in the shop as much as they would let me, getting my hands dirty and learning by doing.

Colby was still around, having come back home to help take care of his sick dad. He’s taking classes at the local community college, so we hang out when we can.

As the season changes from winter to spring and then suddenly summer, I wonder where all the time went. Well, actually, I do know where it went. Underneath hoods and cars. When you keep yourself busy, it flies by.

The spring weather kept the shop at a pleasant temperature, but as May turns into June, it only grows hotter. Working without a/c sucks.

“Yooo, Tyler!” Carter honks his horn and calls out his window as his car pulls up in front of the shop’s garage doors.

“Hey! I haven’t seen you around in a while.” I wipe my hand on a rag as I walk over to him. Beads of sweat trickle down my face, and I swipe at it with the back of my arm.

“Home for the summer, bro. Colby told me you work here. I thought maybe you could give my girl here an oil change.”

“Ah, he’s bringing me business already. C’mon in. You’re in luck. No one in line.”

“I always knew she was good luck,” Carter says as he rubs the side of the door before steering his car inside.

“How’s she running?” I ask Carter as I wave to my boss and give him a thumbs-up. This way, he knows everything’s good.

“Pretty good. I mean, I just got home today and drove her for the first time since January.”

“Please don’t tell me she sat in the driveway all those months without moving.”

Carter scowls. “Fuck no, man. My dad started her up and drove her around at least once a week. I ain’t about to let her sit there and rot.”

I laugh and tap him on the shoulder. “Damn straight. Alright, let’s see how she’s doing. I’ll give her a quick once-over.”

“Thanks, Ty.”

I show him the waiting area and get to work on his car. When I’m finished, I call him over. Before I have a chance to tell him about his car, he’s already chatting. “So what’s been going on besides you becoming a hardworking mechanic?”

“That’s really it, man. I completed a six-month program at a tech school just last week, started working here while going to school, and I hang out with Colby here and there. So exciting, right? You must have more going on than me. How’s school?”

“Good. Even got myself a girl.”

“Wow, Mr. Player himself. How serious are we talking?”

We talk for a while longer. It feels good to catch up. Until he asks about Chloe. I was hoping he wouldn’t. How does this chick still ruin my mood?

“There’s nothing to tell. We ended things last summer, remember?”

“Is she coming home this summer?”

I freeze, my hand hovering over the computer. I shake it off and continue cashing Carter out. “I have no clue.” I shrug.

I never thought about that until now. How I didn’t think of it, I don’t know. But maybe it’s a good sign. Maybe I really am no longer letting her not consume my every waking thought. But now that the thought is there—I wonder—is she coming home, or is she staying in Cali?

I bet she’s staying in Cali. Why would she want to come back here when she was the one who wanted to leave so badly?

Whatever. It doesn’t matter, anyway. I’m not about to go over there and see her.

“Sorry, man. Did I say something wrong?”

I shake my head as I hand him his receipt. “I’m good.”

Carter watches me, and I don’t like his intense stare. I feel like I’m under a microscope.

Tags: Lyssa Cole Romance