Page 64 of Wilting Violets

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“Tight,” he grunted. His erection pressed into me. “You haven’t let anyone else in here, have you, my good girl?”

I couldn’t form a response.

“You’re gonna answer me, Violet,” he demanded.

His voice was so rough it grated against my skin, against every exposed nerve. “You haven’t let anyone else in here, have you?” His fingers moved once more, but languidly.

I moaned again as I slowly shook my head.

“But I’m not your good girl, remember?” I ground out. “I’m your bad girl.”

He exposed his teeth in a sinful grin. Then his fingers moved out of me, and my body tensed in protest.

My pussy pulsated as he took the fingers that had been inside of me and put them in his mouth, tasting me.

His eyes flared.

“Need my cock inside you now.” His voice was tight, as if he were doing everything he could to control its tenor. His jaw was wired, taut, his lips pulled back. “If I had my way, I’d be fuckin’ you for hours,” he continued. “I’d make you scream my name until you couldn’t speak anymore. I’d fuck you until you passed out with my cock inside you.”

I hung on his words, my own body straining with a desperate, aching need for him to do all of that.

“But…” He shoved a hand up my skirt so it was bunched at my hips before ripping my panties off as he freed himself. “This is all we have.” He gripped my chin between his hands. “If I were a good man, I wouldn’t be touching you right now,” he ran his tongue along his lips. “But I’m not a good man.”

There was a crinkle of foil, and I wondered vaguely why he walked around with a condom on his person, then I was overwhelmed by jealousy. Or I would’ve been if he hadn’t done what he did next.

He hitched one of my legs around his hips so he was positioned right at my entrance.

“If I were a better man, I’d at least make sure that the first time I fucked you, we could take our time, that I could give you what you deserve.” His eyes never let go of mine. “But I’m not,” he hissed. Then he surged in.

His hand covered my mouth once more, a good thing too since I was unable to restrain myself.

I constricted around his cock. His gloriously large cock that filled me up, that was so big it almost hurt. Almost. But it was perfect. As if it were made for me.

“I can’t control myself around you,” he groaned against my mouth.

I let out something unintelligible in response.

His hand circled around my throat. “You are my bad fuckin’ girl, aren’t you?”

I nodded, or tried to nod against the onslaught of a climax that would ruin my world.

“You’re my fucked-up, bad little girl,” he repeated, his thrusts harder, more uncontrolled.

My pussy clenched as I teetered on the edge of climax and spots began to dance in my vision.

“Yeah, my little, bad girl,” Elden ground out. “Come for me… And don’t you fucking dare close your eyes.”

I stared at him. My eyes had been ready to squeeze shut in preparation for what I already knew was going to be the most intense orgasm of my life.

“You look me in the eye,” he ordered.

That’s what splintered me, sent me hurtling from my body, tethered only by Elden’s intense gaze which went wild as he came seconds after me.

I didn’t black out, every second etched into my mind. I scrambled to preserve it al so I could revisit the best, angriest, most primal, world breaking sex I’d ever had.

I’d fantasized about this endlessly. And with all of my fantasies, whenever something close to the real-life version happened, I was disappointed. Because nothing built up in your head is ever as good.

But my brain wasn’t capable of dreaming up what just happened.

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance