Page 127 of Wilting Violets

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Elden grasped my hips, pressing against my entrance.

“Can finally fuck you when and where I want,” he murmured, teasing me with his cock. “I can finally make you scream.” He fisted my hair in his hand, pulling it slightly. “Hold the fuck on, baby.”

I did as he asked and held the fuck on. Then he plunged into me with beautiful brutality.

And he did make me scream.


“Your mom is arrivingin about an hour, so we should probably get dressed,” Elden said.

We were naked on the sofa. In the middle of the day. In our house.

It felt wild, weird and wonderful all at once.

“My mom is arriving?” I asked lazily, coming back down to earth.

“You’re going shopping.” Elden drew circles on my shoulder.

“For what?” I asked, repositioning myself so I could look at him.

He shrugged. “Whatever the fuck it is women shop for when they’re decorating a new house.”

I grinned, forcing myself up even though I could’ve stayed there for hours. “Well, then we could be gone for hours. Especially since there’s a lot of baby stuff to buy.”

We both got dressed, then Elden got his wallet from the pocket of his jeans, handing me a card.

I frowned down at it. “What’s this?”

“For shopping,” Elden jostled the card.

“I have a card for shopping,” I informed him. “My mom also has a card that she will fight me to use, especially if it is anything baby related.”

“Take the card, Violet,” Elden demanded.

I finished buttoning my shirt. “I don’t need your card.”

His expression darkened. “Yes, you fuckin’ do. You’re shopping for our home, our baby. And I’m not lettin’ you or your mother pay for it.”

“Because you have to take over the financial responsibility of the house?” I glowered at him, not restraining the warning in my tone.

He did not get the warning in my tone. “Yep,” He turned to head toward the kitchen as if the discussion was over.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I snapped, getting ready to go to battle on this.

Elden stopped walking, turning to me with a calm, level gaze. “Besides my bike, I haven’t had anything to my name in decades. Despite what I did to them, my parents left everything to me,” he widened his stance. “It was all mine when I got out of prison. Didn’t want it. They left it to their son… I wasn’t him.”

My heart quieted, the fury in my veins dissipating completely.

“Haven’t touched it in years,” he continued. “I probably should’ve donated it or some shit.” He shrugged. “Held onto the thought I might meet a woman who made me feel like the man my parents would be proud to see. Granted, they wouldn’t be proud to see me wearin’ in a patch in an outlaw motorcycle club.”

His tone was solemn, his gaze heavy. The words tore at my soul.

“But,” he stepped forward. “They’d be proud to see the woman I found. The woman that I’m nowhere near worthy of but will fight for every day.” He cupped my stomach. “They’d be proud that they’re getting a grandchild. And they’d sure as fuck want their money to go toward building a home, a life for my woman and child.”

I fought against the lump in my throat.

“So you gonna take the fuckin’ card?” Elden asked.

Tags: Anne Malcom Romance