Page 6 of Jekyll

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I tried to call out, but icy fear choked me.

“Catherine. Come to me," the harsh voice beckoned.

An unseen hand snatched at the hem of my dress.

I ran faster. Slipping on the slick cobblestones as my ballet flats dug into their sharp edges, I didn’t dare waste a second turning around to look.

When I reached my door, my hand shook so badly I dropped my keys. With a cry, I fell to my knees, running my hands over the grimy street, searching for them.


I screamed and crouched lower, raising my arms in defense. It took several heartbeats before I realized it was Mr. Langon, my sweet elderly landlord who lived two buildings over.

“Catherine, are you all right?”

I looked around his stooped form but could see nothing. The courtyard was empty.

“Sorry, Mr. Langon. I dropped my keys.”

He reached down to grasp my elbow as he helped me up. “I hope I didn’t scare you?”

I looked over his shoulder to survey the courtyard again, straining to see the slightest movement in the shadows. “No. No, of course not. I’m fine.”

“Very well.” He hobbled off, leaving me alone once more.

As I hurriedly placed my key in the lock, I swung the door open and raced inside. Right before slamming the door shut, I could have sworn I smelled Dr. Jekyll’s cologne.



Iwoke up to the smell of coffee.

I lifted my head with a start before squeezing my eyes tightly shut and groaning.

“Rough night?”

I peeked one eye open to see Catherine Poole standing in front of me holding two cups of coffee. She looked even more beautiful than yesterday.

Even more beautiful than last night.

Last night.

Last night!


I rose so quickly I knocked the stool I was sitting on over. I ran a hand through my hair as I stared at her in horror.

Last night.

I had followed her home.

Well, me, but not me.

After taking the formula, my one all-consuming thought had been to find Catherine. It was as if my body was no longer under my control. There was this second voice inside of my head calling out for Catherine. Like a wolf, searching for its mate.

I remembered following her home from the university administration building.

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance