Page 23 of Jekyll

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I gripped my cock and notched the head at her entrance. I leaned down to whisper harshly into her ear, “Oh, baby girl, I haven’t begun to fuck you tonight. Before this night is through, I’m going to whip that ass with my belt and take your mouth at least once more, but first I want to feel you come on my cock.”

She whimpered as I pressed my shaft deep inside her tight pussy.

I kissed down her throat to caress the top of her breast with my lips. Then I opened my mouth wide, baring my teeth.

Her scream of painful pleasure was lost in the chaos of a London night.



Iawoke on the floor of the lab.


Uncaring about how it looked, I raced across London to get to her apartment. I banged on her apartment door but there was no answer. I then tried the doorknob, but it was locked. I rattled the knob as I lifted my fist to pound on the door all while shouting her name over and over again. “Catherine! Catherine! Open up! It’s me, Jekyll!”

A neighbor opened their window and shouted down, “Shut the fuck up. Do you have any idea what time it is?”

I pointed to Catherine’s door. “I need to get inside. Do you know Catherine Poole?”

The man narrowed his eyes. “She’s my tenant. Why, what’s going on? Who are you?”

Not wanting to arouse his suspicions any more than I already had since it would be a disaster if he decided to call the police, I thought quickly. “I’m her boss, Dr. Jekyll. She might be very sick. I need to check on her.”

The man opened the window higher. “If she is then I and my wife will tend to her. Catherine is like a daughter to us, and I don’t recall her ever mentioning you.”

Flashes from last night came back to me. Each time I took the formula I remembered less and less. It was as if Hyde was slowly taking over my mind and body, controlling what I could and could not remember. Now there were flashes of skin, screams of ecstasy. The clang of metal against wood.

Fuck, metal against wood.


I reached into my vest pocket and pulled out a receipt. It was for a pair of handcuffs from a seedy sex toy shop on the way to the tube from my office.

Again, an image of Catherine sprawled naked on the bed, handcuffed to the post, swam before my eyes.

I couldn’t let her landlord see her that way. “No! You can’t!”

The man lifted up his phone. “See here, young man. I think I should call the police.”

“You don’t understand. Catherine works with me inside a laboratory. She was exposed to a potentially deadly experimental virus yesterday. She should be fine, but it is imperative that I check on her.”

It was unsettling how easily the lies now tripped from my lips.

The man’s eyes widened. “Is it infectious?”

Not wanting to cause a panic, I shook my head. “No. It’s not airborne. You and your wife are perfectly safe. Catherine should be fine as well, just a little feverish… too feverish to answer her phone or unlock the door, I’m afraid.”

I held my breath as the old man disappeared from the window. I listened for the sound of police sirens, certain he had called the authorities on me. And why wouldn’t he? I must have looked and sounded like a lunatic.

A few moments later he reappeared at the window and tossed a keychain with a single key dangling from its ring down to the cobblestone street below. “Tell her Margaret and I hope she feels better soon and make sure you return the key.”

I scrambled to retrieve the key off the ground. I held it up. “Thank you! I will give her your best and don’t worry, I’ll return the key as soon as she is well.”

The man raised his arms to lower the window sash but not before grumbling, “And stop that racket. It’s early and people are still trying to sleep!”

“Yes, sir.”

Tags: Zoe Blake Romance