Page 79 of Deadly Match

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“Fuck,” he grunts as he positions the crown of his cock to my opening, working himself past my tight ring of muscles. “I can’t get enough of you. I don’t think I ever will.”

“You’ll never need to find out. I’m yours,” I assure him just as he takes a deep breath and thrusts fully inside me.

“Gray!” I shout at the top of my lungs. The sensation of fullness is so overwhelming, I lose all sense of direction.

My wolf never falters, keeping our tempo intact as he fucks me with his hand and cock until I can’t even remember my own name. This is his power. Gray takes me to the brink of madness and gifts me paradise as my reward. For a ghost who roamed the Earth with no real purpose, he’s found it in me. He loves me with his body and soul, whispering words of endearment as he possesses every inch of me until I’m not sure where I end and he begins. All the lies and omissions he’s keeping from me vanish from the forefront of my mind, and in their place, only the love I feel for him remains.

“Give it to me, little doe. Come for me,” he demands while pounding the life out of me.

On cue, my body responds to his order, shattering beautifully apart for him to put the pieces back together once he’s done. My soul leaps out of my chest, watching how perfect we look together from above. We are two lost souls who found each other amidst all the darkness and death. As my soul returns, Gray comes inside of me, falling on top of my limp, sated body. He leans close to my ear, his breathing just as erratic as mine.

“I love you,” he whispers with such desperate devotion my heart hurts.

“And I love you, my wolf. Always.”

With that soul-felt promise, my heavy lids shut, and I let sleep finally take me under.

* * *

“Let me go!” I shout at the big mammoth who insists on gripping my arm and keeping me still.

“Shut up, you fucking brat. You’re supposed to be in your room.”

“But I don’t want to go to my room. I want to see Gray. Why can’t I see Gray?”

The man’s face turns all sorts of ugly as he leans down and grips my chin.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’d stop asking so many stupid questions.”

Nostrils flaring, I pull away from his grip, but not before I bite down into his palm, breaking the flesh.

“You bitch!” he shouts, slapping me so hard across the face, my body slams into the wall, making me drop to my knees. “You’ll pay for that!” he shouts, pointing a menacing finger at me while cradling his bleeding hand.

As he steps closer to me, fury burning in his eyes, I try to get back to my feet so I have a fighting chance to defend myself, but as he marches over to me, I suddenly find myself hunching into a corner, afraid that this stranger might end me here and now.

“Enough,” someone calls out in the dark.

We both stare into the dimly lit corridor, unable to see the woman’s face.

“I can handle this,” the man says with a snarl.

“You have more important things to do. I can take Zoey back to her room,” the woman replies.

I swallow dryly, my eyes falling to the floor as the woman approaches.

“Go,” she orders him with steel in her voice. “I’ll take it from here.”

The guard curses something incoherent under his breath but does as he’s told. Knowing that this woman has the power to order a beast like him around pulls at my curiosity. Maybe she’ll be able to tell me where Gray is. He’s never gone a night without coming to our special spot. Not once. But tonight, he never came, and I didn’t see him all day either.

I’m worried about my friend.

My protector.

My wolf.

“Don’t be scared,” the woman coos, and there is this melodic tone to her voice that instantly sets me at ease. “Grab my hand, little one. Let me take you back to your room and your sister. I’m sure she’ll be worried if she wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn’t see you in your bed. You don’t want to worry her, do you?”

With the mention of Layla, I take the nice lady’s hand, the sparkling diamond bracelet paired with a gold watch on her wrist catching my attention.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark