Page 12 of Deadly Match

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It repeats in my head, but I don’t care. Zoey has always been mine, and I have always been hers; she just doesn’t know it.

And she never will. If she knew the power she had over me… Groaning, I stroke my cock, watching her move around her room. I would destroy the world for her. She’s the only person in this entire, fucked-up world that would never have to fear me, and she doesn’t even know it.

I’m just about to pull my cock fully out when she turns and grabs her phone. Frowning, I watch as she smiles at whatever the person on the line said. The call must last all but a couple of minutes before she’s rushing around her room to where I can’t see her. When the light goes out, I quickly zip up my pants, knowing full well that Zoey didn’t shut them off to go to bed. My eyes narrow when I see her sneak out of the front door again in nothing but that stupid shimmering top and leather skirt.

“Where the fuck you do you think you’re going, little doe?” I whisper to myself.

Heart hammering, I kill the engine and pocket the keys. I get out and stalk after her, sticking to the dark. The slam of her heels on the pavement as she makes her way through the dorm buildings and sidewalks covers the sound of me behind her. She’s completely oblivious, and that pisses me off.

At the end of the road, she turns, and I duck behind a tree, watching as she checks the road before hurrying across. Getting more pissed with each step she takes, I speed up after her, watching as she slips inside the sports center at her university. The track is laid out behind her, and when I see who’s waiting under the bleachers, I want to pull my gun.

It's some stupid fucking idiot jock who’s grinning at her lustfully, and when she gets close, she goes on her toes and kisses him like he’s her boyfriend.

Kisses him like she kissed me.

Swallowing hard, I try to beat back my anger, even as he grabs her hair, turns her, and pins her to a pole. His hand sneaks under her skirt as she moans. The sound cuts through the night, and I’m moving before I know it.

She’s mine, and he dared to touch her.

He’s dead.

Ripping him away from her, I throw him to the ground, putting my back to her. He goes to speak but pales when he sees his death written in my eyes. “Hey, man, look—”

“Do not speak,” I snarl, smashing my foot into his face. I break his nose, but the blood and his scream only please me a little. I want to cut his fucking hand off for touching her. In fact… I pull my knife when she slides before me, pressing her hand against my chest.

I freeze, and darkness engulfs me as I stare into those bright eyes. I don’t see anger, disgust, or even fear.

“Don’t,” she whispers. “He’s not worth it.”

I stare into her eyes. “He has two seconds to go before he’s dead,” I tell her, and it’s the only warning he’ll have.

“Go, now!” she snaps at the boy without looking at me. He takes off running, the pussy. He doesn’t even check if she’s okay, just leaves her here with an angry, deranged man. The fucking moron. I go to chase him, but her other hand touches my chest, bringing my attention back to her.

“What the fuck do you think you were doing?” I snarl.

Sighing, she steps back, retreating from me, but I won’t let her. Not now, not ever.

“Answer me now, Zoey. What the fuck do you think you were doing?”



“Having fun?” I repeat the same words I uttered when he asked why I was at the bar. My hands are propped on my hips while I try really hard not to sound or look as pleased as I am that he followed me. It should scare me, but it doesn’t. He obviously waited, watched, and stalked me here to my midnight booty call. All it does, however, is make me fucking wet. I want to test him and see how far he’s willing to go. When I saw him storming toward us, his gray eyes flashing with lightning like an avenging demon coming to steal my soul, I had never felt so alive. Watching him hurt that boy whose name I’ve already forgotten had me so turned on it’s embarrassing, my thighs slick.

He was willing to kill him for touching me. In fact, he would have; I saw it in his eyes—death.

The same death I’ve lived with.

The same darkness no one else seems to understand but Gray.

He’s clearly as crazy as I am.

When he just stares at me, I turn and start to walk away, but he doesn’t let me. He moves fast, grabbing me and slamming me back into the same pole the frat boy did. The difference here is that Gray can’t decide if he wants me or wants to kill me.

His leg slams between my thighs, and his jeans rub against my aching pussy, making me gasp. His eyes flare at the sound.

“You should be scared of me, little doe.” His voice is low and deadly, and I see a promise in his eyes, but it’s the nickname that leaves me reeling. It’s as if something clicks inside of me, but I don’t know what.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark