Page 91 of Deadly Affair

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Now, I stroke his chest, tired and sore in the best possible way. His hands slide over my body, comforting me and him, as if to reassure himself I’m here. His mouth drops kisses on my head and hair, his leg twined with mine.

“I want to know more about your work,” I finally say, making my husband suddenly stiffen under me. When I hear his heart skip a beat, I hold onto him tighter.

Is Alaric afraid I’ll leave him again?

He is.

The way his breath hitches and his arms suddenly cocoon me is enough for me to know he fears I’ll leave him if I find out more about his job.

Which is exactly why we need to do this.

Sitting up, I drop my chin on his chest and take his hands in mine. He stares into my eyes, searching for answers to questions he refuses to say out loud.

“We need to do this, my love. I need to see this. There can be nothing between us, no ounce of doubt or fear, or it’s not fair. I love you, and you love me, but I can’t only love half of you. I need to see that side of you too and embrace it. That’s the only way this can work, the only way you’ll be sure my love for you is unbreakable.”

“And if you can’t?” he asks, his voice cracking as he watches me sadly, like he’s already lost me again.

“That’s for me to decide,” I tell him softly, kissing the skin over his racing heart. “But I need to do this. We need to do this. It’s the only way we can survive.”



Isearch Layla’s gaze, seeing determination, hope, and reassurance reflected back at me. She thinks she can handle it, but I’m worried she can’t. What if she sees that other side of me, the side that can kill and torture without even blinking, and it not only horrifies her again but is the reason she walks away from me for good this time?

She took my heart once and bled it dry, but now that I’m finally back in her arms where I belong, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.

At the end of the day, though, when it comes to my young bride, I’m a sucker and unable to deny her whatever she wants—even if it terrifies me.

I feel sick at the idea of her seeingthatman, not this one who lies in bed with his wife, holding her so tenderly and protecting her always.

He would die before causing her an ounce of pain.

But the other Alaric? The one who takes pleasure in his work? I fear she’ll never accept that man.

Her jade-green eyes stare into mine so lovingly that she actually gives me something I didn’t think I had in me—hope.

Cupping her chin, I search her gaze once more before giving in. “Okay,” I agree. “But when you see it, remember me like this, this man who loves you and would do anything and everything for you.”

“I will,” she promises, grinning as she sits up and straddles my waist. My hands go to her hips as I drag her close.

I need to feel and taste her since it might be the last time she allows me to.

I don’t want what I do for a living to ruin the best thing to ever happen to me. It already came between us once, and I lost her for it, so I won’t make that mistake again. There will be no secrets between us.

She will see every inch of me, and if she can handle it, then I am not only the luckiest man alive, but also the most possessive.

Because she will never escape me then.




Iget ready, not really knowing what to wear. I don’t even know where we are going, so I dress in some black jeans, a nude tank top, and leather jacket. Leaving my hair free since he loves it like that, I slip on my boots and give myself a once over, reminding myself to be open-minded.

Our future, as we know it, depends on it.

Tags: K.A. Knight Dark