Page 70 of In the Dark

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This is my fault. I shouldn’t have let her go to California. This is all my fault.

"You called me babe." Her voice startles me.

My eyes snap up to Lilly, who is staring at her hands. I did? A chuckle escapes me at the absurdity of the situation. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"I liked that."

Wait, what?We just discovered that the psycho who kidnapped her ten years ago is back, and shelikesthat I called her babe? I must have misheard.

"Umm..." Smooth, way to play it cool.

Lilly glances at me through her lashes. Her eyes shine with an emotion I never thought I’d see her direct at me.

"Say something," she whispers.

"Uh..." I’m still too stunned to form a coherent response.

That’s when she reaches over and interlaces her fingers with mine. The contact gives me the jolt I need to snap out of my stupor. Holy. Fucking. Hell. Shereciprocatesmy feelings. It hits me like a sledgehammer. For a fraction of a second, I forget everything that happened just minutes ago, and I want to pound my chest like a damn caveman. Before I can relish the feeling, though, reality comes crashing back.

He is back.

I squeeze her hand, and she leans her forehead against my shoulder. "I’m scared."

I let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Me, too." And I am. I feel like the seven-year-old boy all over again. Completely helpless.

Lilly wraps both of her arms around my waist, and we sit there. I’m the most terrified and—at the same time—the happiest I have been in years.

I am holdingmygirl in my arms. But I also can’t shake the feeling that this is all my fault.

Chapter Thirty

Exactly one weekafter receiving the email alert, I’m getting off the plane in Virginia. I had to stay through the New Year since Margot and I were hosting this year’s party. Hank and I used the remaining time to iron out the details for the expansion project. Stepping off the bottom step of the company jet, it feels like I’m in fucking Antarctica. Snow covers the ground, and with everything occupying my mind, I didn’t think to pack the appropriate attire. I stare at my brown Ferragamo loafers, no socks. Well, shit, guess I’m going shopping before settling in my suite.

I had called Margot from the plane, and she was displeased, to say the least. She knew I was leaving on a business trip, but I had neglected to tell her for how long since I had no idea myself. Next week is the annual charity event for Shelter for Kids, and it had completely slipped my mind. As vain as Margot can appear to an outsider with all her shopping and eccentrics, this is one of three charities she is one hundred percent dedicated to. When I first met her, it was one of the reasons that drew me in and made me want to get to know her beyond the casual hookup—which may have been the first reason, if I’m completely honest.

I promised to fly back for the event and to double my usual contribution. Not that that would’ve been necessary, but it also reduced some of my guilt. I do care for the charity as well; I just got...sidetracked.

I settleinto my top-floor penthouse suite in the city before picking up a rental car at a no-name place on the outskirts. The rental car is for the sole purpose of driving to Westbridge and back. For everything business related, I will continue using the car service I hired to pick me up from the airport. I emailed the company my schedule, and they assured me that a car would be waiting downstairs every time.

It’s late afternoon on a weekday when I first drive into Westbridge, Virginia. Seeing the city limit sign, all my senses intensify. I scan my surroundings and take everything in as I pass the high school, Butler’s Gymnastics Academy, and a local coffee shop named Magnolia that several of Lilly’s friends have checked into on social media. This is where Lilly has spent the last ten years, with the exception of a brief stay in North Carolina. I take a deep breath and go through a mental list of things to do. My focus at home was the expansion project, which left me little time to prepare for the other reason for this trip. I am in no way ready, which is not like me. I plan—extensively. I calculate. I wait for the right time, andthenI execute. But not this time, so now I have to do the planning locally. I have to get everything right, and that will take time. At least I have enough work to do that the waiting hopefully won’t be too excruciating.

I’d arrivedduring winter break, but as soon as school starts back up, I learn Lilly’s routine quickly. She does the same things every day. School, practice, home, with the occasional meeting of friends. On the weekends, she goes to a local gym with her friend Denielle, who has rarely left her side since I arrived. She seems to be a good friend to Lilly, and that pleases me. She only deserves the best.

Back in my suite, I load today’s pictures and carefully scan all of them. I was surprised to see Rhys at Lilly’s gymnastics meet, and from her look in some of the pictures, Lilly wasn’t very happy about her brother’s show of support. Skipping through the pictures faster, it’s apparent that Lilly is distracted. She has a scowl in almost every photo. What has you so bothered, Lilly? The last picture makes me stop. Lilly looks like she’s yelling at her brother. His face is in complete shock, and from Denielle’s hand on Lilly’s arm, it looks like she’s comforting her. Interesting.

Last night,I spent several hours carefully choosing the three pictures I am now looking at. They are the perfect selection from the last few weeks. She just arrived home. I didn’t want to do this while she was out and risk something happening to her. It’s time to make contact. I hit send and lean back in my chair, fingers interlaced behind my back, smiling at the screen.

Soon we’ll meet again.

Chapter Thirty-One

Ever since readingthe caption at the bottom of the text message, I’m paralyzed. My brain-to-body connection has been severed, and my legs won’t obey my command to run and hide.

Sitting on Rhys’s bed, I focus on the one thing that distracts me fromhim. Psycho-kidnapper him, not Rhys him.

I can’t help the embarrassment of not admitting it to myself sooner. The signs were clear as day, but I simply couldn’t fathom how I could bein lovewith my brother—well, not my brother, but my best friend since birth. But he was mybrotherlonger—at least on the surface. Perhaps Den is right and the memory doctor didn’t do his job all the way. Maybe he left some old connections in place that eventually surfaced again? I just chose to ignore it, listening to the logical side of my brain instead of my heart.

Unfortunately, the distraction doesn’t last very long, and the bone-chilling fear grips me again. Holding onto Rhys is what’s keeping me from completely losing it. My head is nestled against his side, and I inhale his familiar scent. Safe.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance