Page 30 of In the Dark

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It’s almostmidnight by the time I enter Lilly’s room. Dad caught me when I got home around eight, and wechattedfor over an hour before he retreated to his office until eleven-thirty. Not taking any risks, I stayed in my room until I heard his footsteps going up the stairs.

When I slowly ease Lilly’s door open, her lights are off, and she is facing away. The blackout curtains are open, and in the dim light, I can see her long hair fanned out on the pillow. I close the door behind me and walk around the bed, gaping at her. I inwardly laugh at myself. I can’t remember one time I had that reaction toward Kat, not even when she would fuck my brains out. I never would just stare at her, marvel at how beautiful she was. Lilly is the complete opposite. She is gorgeous inside and out, and I could watch her for hours.

Lilly looks peaceful; there is no concern, no anger, andnoblank mask on her face. The mask is what has thrown me off more than the other emotions this past week. It fucks with my head when I can’t read her, makes me feel helpless.

I squat down, bringing myself to the same level. "Hey, Cal?"

A grumbled, "Hmm," comes from her sleeping form.

I smirk. "I talked to Dad. We’re all set."

Her eyes pop open, and she jerks straight up. "Are you serious?"

The abrupt motion scares the shit out of me, and I land ungracefully on my ass.Ouch. I peer up at her expectant face. "Yup, we’re going to California." I can no longer suppress my ear-to-ear grin.

She turns her bedside lamp on, fully facing me. "What did he say? I can’t believe they’re letting me go."

I return to my squatting position. "It was touch and go for a bit, but in the end, I convinced him."

Exasperation drips from her voice. "Rhys! What. Did. He. Say?"

I kind of enjoy keeping her hanging, but it’s not fair—not with this.

"Dad was waiting for me in the kitchen. Scared me half to death. I wasn’t even through the door when he barked at me that you had asked to go on the ski trip and wanted to know if I had heard about it. I played dumb. I mean, how would I? He announced that they were against you going because they didn’t want to risk anything."

Lilly inhales sharply, waiting.

"I said that I get it, but that in a few months you’ll be eighteen, and they won’t be able to stop you anymore. Dad thought that over and then asked howIfelt about you being there."

I roll my eyes as I continue. "It was pretty obvious what he was fishing for. I mean, he is the fucking reason I don’t talk to you."

I’m still squatting, my forearms resting on my thighs, and I realize my fists are balled. Anger is an understatement for the emotional onslaught I’m experiencing. I haven’t thought about that night for a long time for exactly this reason. The night he pulled me aside and told me I couldn’t feel that way toward Lilly and I had to do something about it. Resentment and fury surge through me, and I want to punch something...someone. Lilly was not the only one who lost her best friend. I missed her so much at the beginning that I almost told her twice—screw the consequences.

I remind myself that that’s over now. Lilly waits patiently for me to continue, watching me fight for composure. Where someone else might have gotten impatient, she knows when to let me work it out in my head. My insides warm at the realization.

Finally, I say, "I told him that I didn’t care if you’d be going. You’d probably just hang out with Den anyway. But if anything came up, Wes and I would be there. He thought that over for a few minutes and then gavehis permissionunder the condition that we check in every day. I have to keep tabs on you, and I’m to bring you home at the slightest sign of anything unusual."

Lilly rolls her eyes. "What does he think will happen? If my kidnapper hasn’t found me here, he won’t find me at a random ski resort."

Not that we’re actually going there.

I hate how casually she mentions that psychopath. Most people would break down and shit their pants under this pressure, but not Lilly; she takes it on headfirst. I always knew she was strong, but I realize that I have underestimated her. She doesn’t comprehend how unique she is.

I slap my hand on her comforter. "Let’s get some sleep. We have a trip to plan and one more week of school."

Lilly settles back into her pillows. "Thank you!"

"For what?"


I stand and walk toward the door. "Goodnight, Cal."

Before the door closes, I hear, "Night."

Chapter Thirteen

The next eightdays drag on for-ev-er. I’ve been on edge all week. Christmas lost all its appeal, and all I want is to leave for California.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance