Page 22 of In the Dark

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Her internal battle is obvious. She is angry, and I do my best to understand. She refers to Emily and Henry by their first names, instead ofher parents, and also starts doing that with my parents. It hurt the first few times, but I get it—she is protecting herself.

Lilly tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, a gesture she does when she’s thinking something over, and it makes her look freaking adorable. She stares off toward the other end of the room, and I use the opportunity to gawk at her openly. She is wearing her usual gray PJ sweats, but instead of a Henley, she has my old hoodie on. The navy blue is so faded that it appears more gray than blue. I had given it to her a few months into my freshman year. I had bulked up from practice and had to get a bigger one. I’m surprised to see her in it tonight. I was sure the one day she had worn it to school was a mistake, and now I wonder if she did it on purpose or if she hasn’t given it a thought at all. Either way, seeing her in my clothes stirs something deep inside of me.

I’m completely distracted when she speaks. "Ifthere is something in the house, it’s probably in the office. Maybe the safe? I don’t think they would just keep it anywhere, like their bedroom."

Her words make me snap out of my internal debate about the hoodie. "I agree, but I’m not sure how we can search for it properly with Mom and Dad around."

Lilly taps her pointer finger against her lips.

God, she is so sexy when she does that.

I all but drool at the sight. When she looks back at me, I avert my eyes quickly.

Get a grip, dude.

"We’re allowed to leave during lunch; one of us could drive home."

"That could work. You think you can do it without anyone asking questions?" I say, thinking that if I disappear, either Kat or Wes will notice immediately.

She thinks for a second. "Yeah, I can always say I forgot something."

Chapter Ten

The next day,after lunch, I’m sitting in English Lit when my phone vibrates in my back pocket. Miss Cipriano is reading something from the book we’re currently discussing, so I take a chance and pull it out. Both Kat and Wes are in this class with me, which means it’s most likely Lilly, and she wouldn’t text me unless it’s important. None of my other friends text in the middle of class; we’ve all gotten into trouble for it over the years. The school has had a no-cell-phones-in-class policy ever since a group of seniors, a few years ago, somehow used their phones to cheat during several exams. It was never released what they did exactly, but if someone gets caught with a phone out in class, you can kiss it goodbye for the rest of the day. None of us are willing to risk that twice—except for me right now.

I swipe across Lilly’s name on the screen.

Got something.

My heart immediately hammers in my throat. Got what? A migraine? Did she go home? I didn’t think she would try so soon, but I’m not surprised. Neither of us can claim patience as one of our redeeming qualities, and she’s been dealing with this much longer.

I keep my reply short to not attract attention:?

With my phone on my thigh, I wait for the vibration so I don’t have to look at it constantly. I can’t help myself, though, and take a peek. I see the three little dots on the screen, but it seems like an eternity until I feel the familiar sensation on my leg.

Went home during lunch. T never changed combination to safe, but there were only family documents, passports, etc.

I am about to respond when she types again. The next message makes the blood pound hard in my ears.

Still had time. Looked through T’s desk. Found folder taped to bottom of middle drawer with a discharge form for a Jane Doe from a hospital in Santa Rosa, CA and a copy of my passport. With my REAL name.

Holy fuck!

My adrenaline level is through the roof before I finish reading, and I’m close to jumping out of my seat. Lilly has to be back in school by now, and I have the desperate need to go searching for her.

When I glance toward the front at Miss Cipriano, I see Kat studying me with a raised eyebrow.


I’m drawing attention. Kat will interrogate me later about who I was texting.

Unable to let it go, though, I typeU okay?

When no three dots appear, I put my phone away. She’s probably back at school.

I hope.

I don’t seeLilly after class, and she hasn’t responded to my text, which keeps me in a state of complete distraction during the meeting with my coach for tonight’s wrestling match. He yells at me twice, and Wes gives me awhat-the-fuckglare.

Tags: Danah Logan Romance