Page 100 of Goddess of Mayhem

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Thirty Nine


MALIADISAPPEAREDALITTLEbit ago to go talk to Akila. She didn’t know what to do with me because she didn’t think it would go over well for me to be in Lion’s bedroom.

Probably not.

The man hates me, and I understand that as I’m not too fond of him either, but I have to respect him. Lion means a lot to Malia, and he was there after everything went down. She didn’t tell me what happened in those weeks but judging by Lion’s distaste for me I can put two and two together.

Before Malia left, she shoved me off on Lion’s re-hand. He chatted for a few minutes then left since they all are on a manhunt at the moment.

I stare out of the windows, enjoying a different cityscape as New York comes to life while the sun goes down. Every building shines, it is beautiful and a breath of fresh air after only seeing the same trees for weeks.

A looming presence takes over the room and I huff out a breath. I was waiting for this to happen, but I expected sooner rather than later.

“Castello,” I say not taking my eyes of the view of the city.

“You’re dumber than I thought, Officer,” he grunts from somewhere behind me. Clearly not thrilled with me tagging along.

“Don’t call me that,” I respond, trying to keep my tone neutral.

“That’s what you are, aren’t you? Or can only Seren call you that?”

I scoff.

“Struck a nerve, have we?” he says with amusement.

I turn to face him, might as well get the bullshit over with. Lion stands across the room with his arms across his chest and his stance wide. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glares at me.

“Let me guess, this is the part where you threaten me again?” I smile.

Lion drops his arms and walks toward me stopping only a few feet away. “I failed to make an impression if you think anything I’ve said in the past was a threat,” he growls.

“You didn’t seem the joking type,” I deadpan.

He chuckles softly a cruel smile stretches along his face. The motion tightening the scar that’s almost identical to Malia’s. “You’re right, but I’m not the threatening type either. Threats leave promise for hope and the only thing I can promise you is that I’ll snap your neck the second you take a step in the wrong direction. Whatever it is you think you’re proving by being here, I see through you.”

I bite back a groan for having to put up with bullshit and I wonder if Malia is even worth it. Which is a stupid thought because of course she is. “Humor me, Lion. What is it you see?” I shrug, crossing my arms and leaning against the window.

Lion scoffs. “I see a problem. A means to end. A loose end that needs to be tied up. You know what is at stake for Malia and still you let her risk herself by coming here. You’ve jeopardized her life when you’re meant to be protecting it.” He’s standing at full height which is taller than my six-foot-three. Big bastard is right.

My patience snaps. “Even I know you don’tletMalia do anything. It was either follow along and make sure she’s safe or wake up and she’s fucking gone. What else was I supposed to do?” I grind out. “I couldn’t stop her from coming here.”

“Tie her up. Not like you haven’t before,” Lion volleys back. The comment catches me off guard. I knew they were close, but it makes me curious how much Malia told him. “You see, Roman. Vengeance doesn’t dissolve overnight. Not when it’s all consuming like you had. You can hang around because Malia wants you here but that doesn’t erase the fact you threatened my fucking family.

“I saw the disbelief in your eyes when my uncle told you the truth about your parents. Just because you buried yourself into my sister doesn’t make it all go away.”

It doesn’t matter if The Omen is lying about my parents or not. None of that has to do with Malia anymore. I won’t explain that to Lion because it’s none of his fucking business.

I shrug. “And if I’ve learned to accept it?” I ask vaguely.

Lion sneers. “You still threatened them. I won’t forget that.

I did threaten them, he’s not wrong. I don’t expect Lion Castello of all people to understand my thought process or how all of it seemed. He was in the room when The Omen told me the truth, so he knows more than Malia does.

I still thought The Omen was the man behind my parent’s death when I found out Malia was lying to me. Again, I don’t owe him any of this information. He can think what he wants.

So, I deflect. “She told me about her scar.”

Tags: Charli Owen Erotic