Posey:Um, it’s literally right next door. Why don’t you just come over here and stick your head in?
Duke:That feels like too much work. Can’t you just describe it? Then when I see it, I can tell you how off your description was.
Posey:You’re so obnoxious.
Duke:Soooo what does it look like?
Posey:Uh—cream walls. Plain white bedding. Gray dresser on the wall that’s facing the bed, TV on the wall above that. No curtains, not a ton of pillows. Idk, it’s pretty basic. I don’t spend much time in here.
Duke:Sounds like this room.
Posey:Yeah, they’re pretty similar. I just bought two of everything. LOL
Posey:Any other questions?
Duke:Yes.Switching gears:what kind of stuff is this “Brian” talking about?
Posey:Would you stop using his name in air quotes as if that wasn’t his real name?? He is a real person—I know him.
Duke:Then why’s he gotta message you on a dating app? If you knew him, he should man up and shoot you a message.
Posey:I said we went to high school together. I didn’t say we stayed in touch.
Duke:Well, BRIAN should get your number from one of his buddies who also went to high school with you. He knows someone who knows someone who has your number, guaranteed.
Posey:Why do you even care?
Duke:I don’t care.
Duke:It’s just annoying.
Posey:LOL. Says the guy who sounds like he cares.
Duke:You’re my roommate. It’s in my best interest to take an interest.
Posey:This little “best interest” better not include MEDDLING in my love life.
Duke:Don’t flatter yourself. I have enough shit on my own plate; I don’t have to meddle with yours.
Posey:If you say so…
Duke:Maybe you should be paying more attention to BRIAN then and less attention to me.
Posey:You’re probably right.
She goes silent a few seconds before the chat dots all light up again.
Posey:Night, D.
Dammit. I hadn’t actually wanted her to stop chatting with me. I was only joking.
* * *
I wasn’t expectingto connect with anyone online who I knew in real life, but here I am chatting with Brian, who seems like a good guy.
I remember him vaguely. He’d been in my math class but never offered up much. Then again, who did? It was math, and I sucked at it and still do.