Page 15 of Shattered Vows

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I smiled. The truth was, I think Bastian liked it and so I continued. “Honestly, I should probably stop the teasing. You’re big but I don’t know if you can keep it up and play all night.”

He squeezed one breast harder. “And why is that?”

“Well, the men I’ve been with…”

“Were just boys, Morina.”

I glanced back at him with faux innocent doe eyes. “But boys know how to play for a long time, Bastian.”

“Men don’t play. Now.” His dark eyes changed. Gone was the fun. Gone was the toying around. Bastian Armanelli grabbed my attention by the throat and dropped that veil he kept up for everyone else.

Before me stood the king of monsters, commander and chief of a vicious army. His stare raked over me, leaving a trail of heat over my neck, stealing my breath. “Bend over.” He pushed at my back. I fell forward, catching myself on the bed. My ass pointed right toward him and he didn’t wait in lowering my pants. He growled when he saw my red panties but he yanked those down too.

I heard him ripping a condom wrapper and waited for him to come up behind me and plow in.

He didn’t.

I finally peered back to see what he was doing, and as soon as our eyes made contact, he brought his large hand down fast on my butt cheek. I cried out at the sting, but pleasure shot through every nerve.

He shook his head. “Not enough.”

His large hand, calloused and hard came down on me again. I gasped out his name.

“I’ll punish you every time you compare someone to me,ragazza,” he growled out his warning as he kneaded my reddened flesh.

I whimpered at his touch, my pussy already clenching for more punishment. There was that edge most men wouldn’t go over during a one night stand. Bastian flew over it unapologetically and my body loved him for it. This wasn’t a kink I thought I would ever have and yet the words that flew from my mouth confirmed it: “Better make it a good enough punishment to remember then, daddy. I’m still not convinced you’ll last through the night.”

His hand slid to my hips and his other one pinched at my clit before he tested my entrance. White hot pleasure raced through my blood faster than a riptide taking me under. “So wet. Are you sure you’ll last?”

I bit my lip and moaned as he worked two fingers into me. I was drowning in him now, losing myself in just the feel of him.

“Wet and tight. Guess it’s just boys fucking you, huh?”

I wasn’t in any state to keep up the game. I was on the verge of unraveling into ecstasy.

“That’s right. Moan like my good girl,” he murmured close to my ear. “Tell me just who you really get wet for.”

Before I could fall over the edge into oblivion, he pulled his fingers from me and reddened my ass again. “Morina, I expect my name on your lips when I ask for it.”

I glared up at him, furious he held my orgasm hostage. “I could have got wet for a lot of men tonight.”

He grabbed me by the jaw and held my gaze as he dragged a thumb over my bottom lip. “I’ll fuck your mouth again for the way you talk. You’ll take me again and again, love. You’re so fucking good at it.”

Then his cock plowed into me. I didn’t have time to consider the spanking or the words: the stinging of my ass along with the pleasure of his dick stretching me was too much.

The way my blood rushed to my ass and how my pussy clenched around his pulsing length left my head spinning. I could barely breathe, never mind speak.

Bastian fucked me like he owned me and the world. He could coerce everyone else in every business deal, but here I witnessed the unyielding domination that couldn’t be swayed in him.

That didn’t stop me, though. I met him thrust for thrust, pushing back onto him, screaming his name over and over.

When I hit my high, he growled and rode it with me, yanking my hair back so my ass arched further into him.

Breathless, I fell against the sheets and disappeared into the darkness of ecstasy.

When I awoke, I had no idea how much later but a streak of sun peeked through the window. The plane was still and quiet, signaling that we’d already landed. Bastian sat up in the bed, one tattooed arm behind his head as he stared out.

He didn’t turn my way and I wasn’t even sure how he knew I was awake when he said, “I’m happy we distracted you from the landing.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance