Page 60 of Love of a Queen

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“Fuck, Rome.” A hum from deep down in my gut escaped. I couldn’t tell him to stop, couldn’t even get the word out. It got lodged in my throat. “You’re too possessive. You’re—”

“I’m the one making you wet. I’m the one who has you on your back, legs spread on this table.”

“Please…” I moaned, not sure what I was begging for at this point, just sure I wanted more of it. More of him. His fingers worked on me faster and faster while his other hand went to my throat.

“Begging already? For the man who’s too possessive of you?”

“Maybe I’m just begging for any man,” I shot back.

“Goddamn you and that mouth,” he murmured. He pushed himself away abruptly and I gasped at the loss of his fingers in me. I lifted my head up off the table to see him pulling out his length, long, rigid and ready for me.

His hand shot to my neck, and he slammed me back down on the table, then pounded into me. There wasn’t any gentle touch, no proclamations of me being a queen or beautiful.

Rome was lost in his fury.

I got lost in it with him.

He pounded into me like he wanted to leave scars where he was marking his territory.

I met him thrust for thrust, clawing at his back, biting at his ear, ravaging his mouth, and wrapping my legs around his waist.

Obscenities flew from his mouth, and I learned on the table there that day, Rome was a madman for me and for that baby.

He wasn’t capable of caging the rage and the jealousy in him either.

More than that, though, I learned I was a fiend for it. I hit a high so far into space that I came in contact with stars, probably touched the sun, and the burn of it felt good as hell.



Ilost my patience, my thoughts, my damn mind when it came to her. None of my actions were justified. They were uncontrollable at this point, though.

She’d got on the damn table like a meal and offered her life to him. It felt like her motive was just to piss me off. I knew it wasn’t. I knew she was pushing their trust in her own way, building the connections she needed to confirm in her own mind how she would protect her baby.

Still, the jealous monster in me and the overprotective side I couldn’t turn off wanted to war with her for it, to blame her and act like she was being frivolous with her life.

We finally left the room after she’d righted her clothing and I’d tucked my dick back in my pants.

Cade had drivers lining up for us outside the large club doors.

“We fall back on our contracts and stand by them,” Jett said as he walked to his vehicle. “I don’t care what happens with the child. My wife and my sister-in-law will have another viewpoint, I’m sure.”

“Brey will be calling you.” Jax nodded. “Take care of yourself…and that baby, Katie.”

Jax folded into the SUV. He said the words everyone who loved her would. They wanted that baby to see the light of day.

I was going to make sure it did.

She had to know a mini version of her was going to be a damn gift to this world. Or I had to make her see that.

We filtered into tinted-out SUVs, and I informed Katie I’d be going home with her again. She didn’t agree that it was a good idea, just told me I was hiding the whole time then. We stopped at a drugstore to get pregnancy tests.

Every single one showed up positive.

I smiled the whole time, couldn’t stop it if I tried. She was having our baby and the thought blossomed to a reality, one that I found I really wanted. By the third test, she rolled her eyes. “It could still be something that’s off with my hormones.”

I laughed at her denial, but left it alone. The next morning we would see. Cade had found a doctor that we’d be going to see.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance