Page 49 of Love of a Queen

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It didn’t take long for her to scream out and clench around my tongue as I thrust it into her center while still rolling my fingers over her clit.

I pulled away and stood, but held her hips up so she could steady herself and come back from her orgasm. When the muscles in her shoulders relaxed and she opened her gray eyes, I saw the smoky haze of a woman satiated.

I licked my lips as we stared at one another. “Best meal I’ve tasted in a long time.”

She nudged up against my dick that was standing to attention. “I want the rest of you, I can’t deny that,” she murmured. “But if they find out about us, I’ve lost them all because of you.”

“No. You can handle them all and that’s what you need to understand.”

She didn’t say anything and it reminded me that still somewhere in her was someone small and completely vulnerable.

“Look at yourself in that mirror, Katalina. Hold your head high.”

We stared at one another, finally alone in a place where we could. Under the bathroom lights in her new penthouse that cost millions of bratva dollars, we exchanged something. I was the killer of her enemy and she was a leader choosing to lead or to love.

“I can’t have you and them, Rome.”

“You can and you will. You’ve made a damn bed with me, you gave me access to the most precious thing you own, and it’s not your pussy. You gave me your heart. If not me, then the monster in me. You going to lead without a heart? Most of those before you have done it, but it wouldn’t be the smart thing to do.”

“Why is it that you always come to me speaking of leading when you don’t?”

At that point, I didn’t want to talk. My dick was resting just between her ass cheeks, my hand was wet with her orgasm, and my mouth still tasted like her pussy. “I lead here.” I tensed my cock against her and she shuddered. I grabbed her neck and she lifted her chin automatically. “Do I not?”

“Fucking a woman doesn’t take a lot of leading. It takes a good dick and some rhythm. I have to lead a disorganized group of heartless men who don’t trust me.”

“So, build trust.”

She squinted at me. “I don’t—”

My hand squeezed her windpipe closed. Her eyes flared along with her temper. She didn’t like being cut off, but I didn’t like her doubting herself. She needed to learn to have the confidence in herself that I had in her. Tonight, I would show her what it meant to rule.

“Who took your virginity?”

“Why does it matter?”

“Answer the question, Katie.” It was a command because she didn’t need to know the reason at that moment.

“Jimmy’s son. I don’t know if you remember—”

“I remember.” Her description stung, but I didn’t focus on it. This wasn’t about me or my jealousy of any man who slept with her.

“Did you trust him?”

“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged at me like my questioning was going nowhere. Her ass pushed into my dick, and it reminded me how impatient she could be. “I wouldn’t have slept with him if I didn’t.”

“You gave him a prized possession because you trusted him. How did he earn that trust?”

“I don’t know, Rome. It was a long time ago. “

“Let me show you.” My hand snaked down to grab her breast and my other hand snaked down her spine.

The hole that no one had entered, the hole that she felt was too sacred to give anybody access to, would be mine. My fingers slid down into her crack and she eyed me curiously.

“Bend forward for me, Katalina.”

She bit her bottom lip. We both knew what I was about to do. She took her time, chewed those supple lips for a few seconds too long.

I had been waiting, my dick had been throbbing, the monster in me was shaking to get to her. I smacked her ass hard, harder than I had intended. She gasped, biting her lip to keep from moaning at how she liked it. It would leave a hand mark, but I saw that she was finally going to comply. She bent slowly at her waist, arching her back so that her ass popped out further, her cheeks spreading so that I could see her puckered hole, the one place no one had ever had the pleasure of fucking, the place I would own. Me, and me alone.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance