Page 84 of Thrive

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Lesson of the Day:

And sometimes the reward is greater than the risk.


Jay grumbled under his breath, surely annoyed with my workload back in LA. He didn’t understand that I couldn’t rely only on him, even if I wanted to.

Except for now. Right now, I had dropped everything to go with him and get away from my problems. They would catch up to me, to both of us. Dougie’s call was a reminder that we needed to face them eventually.

I looked toward the festival and let the lights and crowd swallow up my worry. The folk music mingled with the rustling of the trees, like they were harmonizing. They whispered to me as though they knew every secret I had, like they’d blow them away in the wind and we’d never have to speak of them again. It was comforting.



Delilah ran up to us with her wholesome smile and bright red cheeks, so happy to see me that she basically hit me at full speed to give me a hug. I stumbled back but caught us before we fell, something I wouldn’t have been able to do without my new sneakers on.

We both laughed at her enthusiasm. “Is the pie stand that bad already?” Jay asked as he looked at us.

“It’s crazy. And Rosy tried to sprinkle cumin on top of Lorraine’s pies.” Delilah’s eyes were wide like she couldn’t believe it. “I didn’t think she’d go to those extremes.”

Jay pulled her in for a hug. “Lorraine would go to the same extremes, I’m sure.”

I stood up for her because she couldn’t speak for herself. “She absolutely wouldn’t.”

Jay chuckled. “She would, and you would too. This is the biggest competition of the year. You wouldn’t let someone else beat you.”

“I wouldn’t cheat.” I stomped my foot. “I would win, though. Just like Lorraine is going to because she put in the damn work.”

“That’s right, I did put in the work. And that wrinkly old hag is going to hear from me about that cumin.” Lorraine and Brady walked up behind us, no pies in hand. When she saw me looking around, she said, “We already parked the truck, and Ray’s unloading the pies.”

“Ray does a lot for you.” I leaned in to say as we all started weaving through the crowd. Brady walked up next to me and mumbled another hello. Jay eyed the two of us like he had a claim on me as his friend or employee or something more, I wasn’t sure which.

“Of course he does. He never got over the fact that I left him after he looked at another woman. He’s hoping I’ll gift him with my presence again.” She tapped one red nail against her chin as she thought about it. “I might. He was good in bed.”

Delilah groaned, and Brady took that moment to tease her. “Delilah, come on. You gotta hand it to Lorraine—she’s getting more than most of us.”

Delilah glared at him, and I saw her face get redder than usual. “Lorraine’s generation of men is much better than ours in Greenville, Brady. This town is full of duds our age.”

Jay stumbled at her proclamation. “Are you kidding me? I’m a gentleman.”

Delilah nodded. “Sure, but you left me in Greenville with men like him.” She sighed and now it was Brady’s face turning red. “Maybe I should move.”

As she said the words, Sandy strutted toward us and I almost groaned. Tonight was about to turn into something I knew I wouldn’t like. Delilah leaned over to whisper to us before Sandy was within earshot. “Another dud. Brady, you and her would be perfect together.”

Jay laughed. “He’s been there, done that.”

“As have you,” Brady threw back, but Jay shook his head. Brady shrugged. “Alright, well, we know what’s in store for you tonight then.”

Part of me wanted to remind Jay this wasn’t a partying scene. Kids nipped past our legs and families were playing carnival games for stuffed animals down each dirt aisle we walked. As Sally slid her hands around Jay’s waist and pressed her whole body to his to whisper in his ear, though, I knew I couldn’t. They weren’t drinking or doing anything illegal. They were on a date, just as I was with Brady, not doing anything wrong.

It only felt wrong in my heart, in my gut, where the ball of jealousy grew and festered into something ugly, competitive, and mean. I wanted to lash out, to accuse Jay of making me feel like I meant more to him than I did.

I turned to Brady, grabbed his hand, and announced, “I want to ride the worst ride here and then go vote for Lorraine’s pie. Who’s with me?”

Delilah and Lorraine whooped like I’d made their day. I didn’t wait for Jay to answer because I wasn’t going to let him and Sandy ruin my night. Sure, I was his PA, but I wasn’t his keeper and I needed to enjoy this night just as much as the next person.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance