Page 76 of Thrive

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“Oh, you’re going to get more than one witness.” I waited for her to notice that Lorraine and Delilah had already come out of the bakery to see why we’d parked so far down the street.

And Ray walked out of his bar as if he wanted some fresh air. He waved when Mikka saw him.

She smiled and then turned back to me. “I don’t care who sees that you’re out of shape.”

Her drive to win practically radiated off her. She glowed with it.

“Alright. I’ll play. I’ll bet your festival night with this idiot here.”

“Hey!” Brady said.

Mikka nodded. “It’s okay, Brady. I won’t lose our date. And when I win, we’ll make Jay pay for all our festival food. He and Sandy can follow us around, considering he’ll be with her.”

What the fuck? I hadn’t agreed to… what did she think happened between Sandy and me in that grocery store?

She didn’t even wait for me to agree. She got on her knees right in front of me, baiting me with the look in her eyes. I couldn’t tell if she’d meant to stare up at me from that position or was just showing me how easily she could get up and down, even in stilettos. Even in a tight little black shirt. Even in jeans that molded to her ass.

Either way, I wanted something completely different from a competition in that moment.

“Come on, big boy,” she purred. “Show me what you’re made of.”

She was definitely fucking with me. Maybe because I was fucking with her. But I dropped down next to her and whispered in her ear before we got into our planks. “Don’t think I won’t remember that. You learn that from a video at King Chang?”

She licked her lips slowly. “Maybe.”

My dick twitched, and I considered whether or not I needed to adjust my jeans before we started.

She smirked and then turned to yell at the crowd. “On three, we see who’s in better shape. One. Two. Three.”

We both got into plank position and I was surprised at how languidly she did so, like a kitten just stretching out.

I studied her form and found it was as good as mine, if not better. And she was wearing those heels.

A minute or so passed, and I felt the first bead of sweat form as my stomach started to quiver just a little.

With more of a crowd forming, I wondered how long she would last. I didn’t need all of Greenville knowing I’d beaten her, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of a date with Brady.

I had a freaking eight-pack that the world had seen on the big screen, and she never worked out.

Another minute passed and the new chant in my head was that she never fucking worked out.

I glanced at her. She wasn’t shaking at all. She wasn’t even sweating. She smiled sweetly at me, her hair pooled on the ground next to her arms and her shirt dipping low enough that I could see a little more than normal.

“I can see down your shirt,” I whispered, hoping to get a cheap win in.

“Nothing you haven’t seen before,” she shot back.


I was going to lose.

I was going to collapse and she was going to get this damn date with Brady.

“Woman, what type of work outs are you doing in the darkness of the night?” I dropped my head to focus on maintaining my stance.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

I snapped it back up to look at her. Her eyes were shining with mirth, and she looked like a damn yoga goddess. “You do yoga or something, don’t you?”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance