Page 113 of Thrive

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“Your movie—”

“Means nothing at all, Wrecking Ball!” I said, voice cracking. “What happened? Are you…” I assessed her with a different eye, one that looked for the smallest change in color. The faintest line across her neck and a slit covered in lipstick popped out like black on white paper. “No,” I whispered as I brushed the marks. “No, no, no.”

“It’s okay. He’s in custody. He’s going to jail.” She choked back a sob and put her hand over her mouth. “I fought back. I didn’t let him beat me into a corner and into submission again.”

The words took the floor out from under me. I almost fell to her feet, I almost let my rage run rampant at the fact that this man had gotten away with hurting her again. “Wrecking ball, you were never one to submit. Remember that.”

I pulled her in and lifted her chin. I kissed along the line I saw. I murmured into her neck, “I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for letting the law bring him to justice instead of me.”

Her hands fluttered over my arms as she moaned low at my touch. “It’s for the best. I didn’t want anyone fighting my battle.”

“Your battle will always be my battle, Little Pebble. Yue Lao tied us together.” I gazed into her eyes. “I believe your mom’s story now.”

Her eyes filled with tears and she looked to the ceiling, trying her best not to let them fall. “I want to tell you that you’re crazy. I also want to believe you.”

“Believe me. Or I’ll prove it. I’ll earn your belief over time.”

I stepped back and spun around. I grabbed the cup from the counter and held it up for her to see. “To start, I’m as clean as a whistle.”

“Jay… I’m sorry, but—” she started.

“It looked bad. I get it. Lela’s never been anything to me, you know that. It’s hard to think you’ll always be scared that I might relapse, but you’re right.”

She opened her mouth and then closed it. That’s right, Little Pebble, we are going to be honest.No lies. No false hopes.

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face. “I might relapse. I have to accept that about myself too. Last night was hard. It could have been catastrophic, but I proved something to myself and hopefully to you. For now, I’m strong enough. For future reference, call me when you decide to strand the man you love.”

The smile that spread across her face was worth the pain of admitting how I felt

Tags: Shain Rose Romance