Page 52 of Reverie

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Screw him. This light-blue dress flowed around every part of my body and made me look as expensive as the rings inside the Tiffany & Co. boxes. I twirled in front of him and let the skirt flare at my knees. “You like it?”

“It’s distracting, that’s for sure.”

“In a good way?”

“If you’re searching for a compliment, Pix, call Stevie later and ask him. I want to fuck you, not fluff your ego.”

I ignored his callousness because his eyes dragged across my dress like he wished he could burn it off me with a look. “We should probably go home, Jett.”

I didn’t want to, but one of us had to be smart. Who better than the one who didn’t own the company? “We can’t have sex in the office. There are probably cameras throughout this floor.”

I didn’t care about the cameras. My heart beat faster just being in his proximity, my legs got weak, my pussy throbbed.

“You’re right,” he said pointedly. “That’s why I turned off the power to this floor.”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Three brief sounds reminding me what it felt like to barely be alive in a hospital bed. They reminded me now to live. Three little pulses telling me to let him take me anywhere and everywhere. I would only live this once. Indulge once. Dive deep down into the place I felt most real and most alive. The time was now. I didn’t want to encounter the it’s-too-late realizations or the if-only-I-would-have regrets ever again. I had too much experience with that train of thought, and I wasn’t going back.

“That’s cocky.” I shot a pointed look at the bulge in his pants as I backed up to rest my hip on my desk.

He followed and pushed his body right onto mine. “Not cocky. Confident. Now, your desk or mine?”

I breathed him in as he leaned forward to nip at my neck. My nipples tightened under the dress, and I mentally racked my brain for what I might be wearing underneath it. I’d dressed for Steven, not Jett.

He slid his hands under the skirt and ran them up my thighs, then grabbed my ass. “No preference?”

I gasped as he jerked me forward to feel him against me, reminding me just how freaking big he was. How lucky I was to be here with him for this moment. “Oh, God. Just here. Let’s do this here. Now.”

I didn’t want to wait another minute. I grabbed my skirt and slid it up as I hopped onto my desk and spread my legs. White lace to match my white stilettos. I knew the color popped on my sun-kissed skin too. I stared at him taking me in. He wanted to own me, devour me, feed off me. He was there for the feast and would leave me right after.

“So, your desk it is.”

I nodded slowly. “I want it right here, Jett. You better devour me and leave me completely ravaged.”

When he showed his teeth, no one would mistake it for a smile. Under the city lights, he’d warped into a wolf. “Good. I want you to remember us here when you look up at Mr. Stevie across from you tomorrow.”

“You’re such a dick.”

“The dick who’s about to fuck you.”

I should have shoved him away right then. This wasn’t going anywhere, but my body didn’t care. It woke like a damn bear that had been in hibernation all winter.

“In that case,” I lifted my hips and slid my lace thong off. Then I spread my legs and planted my hands behind me. “Fuck me good because Steven went home, which means I’m not getting any without you.”

He growled and unzipped his pants. “You think he’s going to get you off, woman?”

“Oh, he will. Just not tonight.”

He laughed as he gripped himself and pumped once, hard. Pre cum already glistened at the tip.

My mouth watered. “Are you waiting for something?”

“Waiting for you to tell me this is your dream. Me and not him. I can see you practically concocting our future together. You and me in a nice house together or some shit.”

“Your realities rubbed off on me, Jett,” I scoffed. “I’m just here for a good lay tonight.”

“Now that, Pix,”—he whispered softly in my ear as he placed his hands right on top of mine behind me—“is the best thing I’ve heard all day.”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance