Page 38 of Reverie

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Like I said, no one was paying attention to me. Or so I thought. Then I felt his hand back on my thigh, squeezing. I snapped my gaze to his. Jett’s eyes twinkled in an arrogant way. “Welcome to Stonewood Enterprises, Victory Blakely.”



The numberon that contract was well worth the look on Vick’s face. Her mouth dropped open and her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked in a breath. Her lips jutted forward as if they were trying to aid her in sucking in air.

The way she’d walked in today, confidence pouring off that skintight sweater dress, had riled me. I knew immediately I would acquire her company.

Stevie’s company would prosper under our name, but most companies would. We didn’t even look at companies that wouldn’t.

I’d gone beyond our normal MO when I’d set up this meeting, deciding to personally sit down with Samson and Sons.

Stevie spoke up from across the table. “We’re honored to be starting this journey with you, Jett.”

Kiss ass.

“Great. Seems the people in this room are indispensable to your company. We’ll want you all working here starting next week to get everything situated. Gloria will iron out the scheduling details with you.”

Stevie looked a little shell-shocked.

I chuckled. “I pride myself on productivity and adaptability. Should everyone here have a desk next week?”

Stevie stuttered as he looked around. “Um, well, uh, sure. Yes. Everyone here has something to offer.”

Vick cleared her throat, like she’d finally come out of her shock. “I’m sorry. You expect us to move into this building by next week? Steven, we have obligations, and our colleagues at Samson and Sons are already concerned about the acquisition. Us moving next week will only add to that concern.”

“Thankfully, Stevie—I can call you Stevie, right?” I asked as I stared across the table at the man she thought was her perfect match. When he nodded, Vick practically growled under her breath, making me smile. “Great. Stevie doesn’t have to worry about that anymore. We’ll be taking care of every employee as we always do at Stonewood Enterprises. Lucky for all of you, you’ll be in our tower next week.”

One guy from Samson and Sons hissed a celebratory yes under his breath, and I saw that most of them were genuinely excited about the move.

Vick’s posture was bone straight, her hands rested on the contract as she twirled her pen back and forth furiously. As my people addressed the details, I watched her. Her lashes didn’t lift because she wouldn’t look up from the documents. Her hands didn’t shake but there was extreme tension in each twirl of that pen. I’d ruined her perfect picture of Stevie, and I could tell she was having a hard time accepting that.


The girl needed a wake-up call. “Antonio,”—my colleague’s head snapped up—“would you show everyone around.”


“I’ll have Ms. Blakely catch up with you later. I’d like a word with her.”

Vick said, “Oh, that’s not necess—”

Stevie stood. “Great. We’ll see you both soon.”

Vick bit down on her bottom lip, and I was a little concerned she’d make it bleed.

Everyone filed out.

I let the door click shut and then listened to the clock tick to see if she’d say anything first. The woman hated silence.

“I guess we’ll be working together,” she blurted, clicking her pen like she was trying her best to release her emotion somehow.

“Are you mad?” I asked, wanting her to finally admit that reality sometimes sucked.

She sighed and looked to the ceiling. “No. I’m just—” She dropped the pen and shoved away from the table. “It’ll be good. This will be good.”

“It’s good that Stevie gave up his company after you swore he wouldn’t?”

Tags: Shain Rose Romance