Page 14 of Reverie

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“You barely kept it on with that last fall.”

“So, your attention wasn’t just on your work this whole time,” she remarked, hands falling to her hips.

“If you're insinuating that I was paying attention to you, I can admit to that. Every guy is paying attention to you. The paddleboard instructor can’t look away. He’s too damn nervous he’ll miss when the strings you call a bikini top inevitably come loose.” I wasn’t kidding either. He was still staring at her even while she talked to me.

I understood though. Vick drew eyes wherever she went, I was starting to realize. She dressed for attention and she got it. She had chosen to wear a bubblegum-pink bikini top and thong today and the color popped against her tan. Her blonde hair was down and slicked back by the ocean water. With her long legs and loud personality, she drew every eye on that private beach.

She put her hands on her hips and leaned in closer. “Jett Stonewood, stop trying to insult me and get your workaholic ass into that beautiful water. No one should be sitting here working, not even you.”

I stared at her for maybe a moment too long. She surprised me by not fighting back when I insulted her. Most everyone would have been defensive, would have retaliated in some way. She, instead, wanted me to have an enjoyable time.

Before I realized what I was doing, my laptop was back in its case and I was standing up. She backed up a step, and her eyes widened as I loomed up to her. She didn’t shrink away. Instead, she blatantly looked when I took my shirt off.

“Careful, Pix, someone might think you had an unmemorable night with me.”



That man could siton a laptop all day, and somehow, I would still salivate over him. When he took his top off, I wasn't going to look away for anyone. I didn't care if everyone in the world knew I’d slept with him right then.

Kauai somehow made everything more vivid, colors more saturated, life more vibrant. And under that sun, Jett became a man I wanted more and more. His arms looked bigger, his chest wider, his abs more defined. His skin already looked bronze even though I was sure he didn’t spend extra time tanning.

I didn't respond to him, knowing that's what he probably wanted. I just met his gaze and held it.

He cocked his head as if assessing me. "Paddleboarding won't make me enjoy this trip."

"Have you ever paddle boarded before?"

He grunted and then walked past me to grab a board. "Of course."

I rolled my eyes. "Not everyone has done it. It isn’t just common practice, Jett."

I grabbed mine and followed him out.

"Have you not?" he asked the question like he knew the answer.

"I just learned on this trip."

As he waded into the water, I followed. When he veered around a large rock that blocked the others from view, I did too.

"So, you just suntanned when you went to the beach before?"

I let the cool blue water lap at me while the sun warmed my skin. I breathed in the humid air and felt the breeze in my hair before I answered. "My family only went to the beach when I was young. I haven't been to one since high school. This is my first time."

Before he jumped onto the paddleboard, he asked, "Why?"

I shrugged. "Life sometimes gives you lemons and you make lemonade. Other times, you can’t make anything."

It wasn't an answer. We both knew it. I waited to see if he'd pry, but he jumped up on the paddleboard instead.

I got to my feet, the board shaking beneath me, and steadied myself. Jett paddled ahead with confident strokes. When I stuck my paddle in the water, I overbalanced and belly flopped in with a splash.

Jett looked back and laughed. I managed to right myself and paddle a few strokes after him, but it wasn’t long before I fell again. Each time I fell, he laughed harder.

Under the sun and in the sparkling water, I could swear Jett was finally enjoying himself.

After about my tenth fall, I stayed in the water and rested my elbows on the board as I stared up at him. "You have to admit this is kind of fun, Jett."

Tags: Shain Rose Romance